Welcome to the first IMAGE Kid’s Page. The goal is to provide parents with an interactive activity that they can share with their children.
We have two selections for you: one is about Columbus Day, October 12 and the other is about Sukkot, October 14 and 15.The Three Ships
The Nina, the Pinta, the Santa Maria,
Three little ships from Spain,
Sailed over the seas, under the skies so blue,
Sailed on through the wind and rain.
So brave was the captain, (who was the captain?)
So gallant his crew,
Their faith remained steadfast (that means they didn’t give up!)
Till their goal come in view.
The Nina, the Pinta, the Santa Maria,
Three little ships from Spain,
Inspired the later pioneers (other explorers)
Who settled on hill and plain (and came to live in America).
So great was their labor,
Their courage so true,
That our mighty nation
From their striving grew.
by Lillian W. Allard
Read this poem with your children. Talk about the remarkable discovery Columbus made by accident. Why is America special? Why is it special for the Jewish people?
Find Spain on the map or globe. Show your child the route Columbus took.
Torah Topic
Write a haiku poem about Sukkot. The haiku poem is from Japan. It is a three line poem usually about nature. The first line has 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables, and the last line has 5 syllables.
Here is a haiku poem about Sukkot:
Lulav and etrog (5 syllables)
Sukkot decorations hang (7 syllables)
Eat under the stars (5 syllables)
by Barbara Offenbacher
After your child writes his/her own haiku poem, mount it on colored paper, laminate it with clear contact paper and hang it in your Sukkah.