Home Community News Judge Bruce Balter Receives Award

Judge Bruce Balter Receives Award


In a ceremony at FBI Headquarters, Director Robert S. Mueller, III recognized the recipients of the 2011 Directors Community Leadership Award. These leaders, selected by their area FBI field office, have demonstrated outstanding contributions to their local communities through service. The FBI is grateful for the work of each of these individuals and organizations on behalf of their communities.

Whatever the motivation, an unfilled need, a tragic occurrence, a desire to give back, these are people who make things happen and enlist others in their cause, said Director Mueller. They are activists who have earned their prestige through good work.

The New York Division was pleased to honor Justice Bruce M. Balter for his service to the community.

A former special state prosecutor and assistant attorney general, Justice Balter holds the rank of colonel in the New York National Guard. In this capacity, he serves as the staff judge advocate for the state of New Yorks armed forces and has assisted thousands of troops with wills and health care proxies before their overseas deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan.

Justice Balter is a graduate of the New York FBI Citizens Academy and is the chairman of the surrogate court committee of the Brooklyn Bar Association. He has participated as a guest speaker in symposiums on homeland security in conjunction with law enforcement agencies and minority and faith-based communities. He routinely speaks to thousands of high school students throughout the city of New York about the importance of community involvement and racial and religious harmony.

Justice Balter has served as acting administrative judge of the Kings County Supreme Court-Civil Term and as presiding justice of the Kings County Supreme Court-Criminal Term. Justice Balter has also served as judge of the Family Court of the state of New York and a judge of the Civil Court of the city of New York.

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