Home Community News JCC Brings J.O.Y. to the Shore

JCC Brings J.O.Y. to the Shore

ImageNew Specialized Programs for Orthodox Youth

Each week at the JCC in Deal, more than 200 young people pour into the center for the best and most diverse after-school programs in Monmouth County. The kids come to the JCC by the busload from Hillel Yeshiva for the sheer fun of it. But a little thing happens along the way to all those enrolled in JCC youth programs: they learn valuable skills that will carry them with confidence into adulthood. And they have a blast with their friends in the process.

Now the JCC has launched a new initiative, called Jersey Shore Orthodox Youth (J.O.Y.) to provide even more services and programs for Orthodox youth. Designed in partnership with local Orthodox synagogues, J.O.Y. offers specialized programming at the JCC exclusively for children who are members of local Orthodox synagogues. The new programs include exciting special events, fabulous parties, cool sports tournaments, extreme JCC sleepover parties and amazing trips.

ImageFor more than 65 years, the JCC has been committed to not only meeting the needs of the young people in the community—but to exceeding them. Under the direction of PE director Shlomo Weiss and Youth Department Director Neshama Marcus, together with Youth Program Supervisors Jacqueline Beyda Saka, Celia Cohen, Marlyn Michaels and Morris Beyda, the JCC offers the best professional instruction in the specialties that kids love the most: soccer, karate, basketball, fine arts, performing arts, yoga, cooking, chess and swimming, to name a few.

Magnificent after-school programs are just a tiny fraction of what the JCC offers its youth. The fun continues seven days a week with Fantastic Friday, Saturday night activities and Sunday Funday. The JCC also provides all physical education programming for Hillel Yeshiva, Yeshiva at the Jersey Shore and Ilan High School, as well as providing gym space for Hillel basketball and hockey teams and for Me’or Yeshiva.

For non-stop fun with expert supervision—now enhanced with even better youth programming for the Orthodox community—there’s no place like the JCC!!

Jersey Shore Orthodox Youth (J.O.Y.) New Programs

Sun. Feb. 3: Super Bowl Tournament Day for Boys (5th/6th, 7th/8th Divisions)
Sat. Nite Feb. 9: Extreme JCC Sleepover (5th Grade Girls)
Smash hit movie, yoga, midnight swim, spa hour and pizza party
Sun. Feb. 17:
President’s Day Ski Trip to Mountain Creek
Passover 2008:
Great Adventure Trip
Sat. Nite, March 22:
Purim Costume Dance Party
Coming Soon!
* Wacky Game Show Day for Grades 1 – 4
* Girls’ Spa Day for Grades 4-8
* More Extreme JCC Sleepovers for:
• 6th-8th grade girls
• 5th-8th grade boys
For more details call 732-531-9100 X 148