Home Community News In Loving Memory of Marcelle Sabin

In Loving Memory of Marcelle Sabin

Marcelle and her husband, SamWhat is the most precious commodity? I think the answer is time. I wish I had all the time in the world to spend with my dearest loving mom, Marcelle Sabin AH.

She would ask, when are you coming to visit me? The answer: each Shabbat and every other opportunity that I had.

My mom was a very special woman. She loved to do mizvot and hesed. She never forgot gifts for birthdays, Hanukah or anniversaries. She was very organized, neat, and caring. She also loved to play cards. Her house was always immaculate and she was shatra in her cooking and how she dressed (an amazing hostess).

She always looked beautiful no matter where she went and stressed to me the importance of always looking my best. When I went shopping her advice was, buy top of the line or dont buy.

She loved when my Aunt Joan and I visited her on Shabbat. That was our special time together. On occasion, her friend Alice Chalom would visit.

My mom and dad always loved to bring our family together for the holidays. My dad loved to make barbecues. Every motzei Shabbat my mom and dad would bring dinner to my sister, my brother or me so they could spend more time with their grandchildren.

The last party Mom attended was my daughter Joys wedding. I was so grateful that she was able to see her first grandchild marry a great guy. She will always be in my heart and her memory will be with us forever. She is greatly missed.
Arlene Hazan is a community member.