Home Community News IMAGE Magazine Expands Into Social Media Advertising

IMAGE Magazine Expands Into Social Media Advertising

IMAGE Magazine has been meeting the advertising needs of the community for more than 23 years. Our advertisers come back month after month because our readers are serious about quality, they love to attend community events and support community businesses and they trust IMAGE to advertise only dependable and responsible services. They also keep advertising because the results far exceed their expectations.

Our magazine is still the ideal place to be seen, reaching 400,000 readers every month. However, in addition to advertising opportunities in the magazine, IMAGE now offers advertising on our mobile ready website, email blasts, mass text messaging, newsletter ads, and social media advertising through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

There are many good reasons to send an email blast. They’re instantaneous. All you have to do is call or email a salesman, tell him you want to send an email blast and within hours, thousands of community members will see your ad. It’s exciting and a hugely popular way to stay connected to the community.

Email blasts are an effective, powerful and economically sound choice. In addition to being sent to thousands of email addresses, the email blasts are sent through IMAGE’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages. IMAGE has over 3,800 friends on Facebook who are interested in learning about your product/attending your event.

In addition, the amount of people accessing Facebook and Twitter from mobile phones has risen dramatically over the past two years. This group is young and checks their social media pages constantly, thus they’re bound to see your ad within minutes. If they like what they see, they will forward it to their friends and family, acting as your advertising advocates.

Sending a mass text message is the perfect follow-up to your email blast. When you’re having an event, send a text message the week before, day before and even the day of the event to keep it fresh in the minds of the community. Mass texts are also great to remind the community about the sale you’re having at your store or restaurant and when business is slow, you can send out a special text offering a discount or sale.

With 23+ years of experience, we know what sells. As always, IMAGE is happy to help you create the perfect ad. By using IMAGE to send your email blasts, and advertise for you on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, you get the same quality of service and responsibility that you’ve come to expect.

Call now and we’ll suggest the best advertising campaign for your business, at an extremely reasonable rate. Whether you choose to place an ad in our magazine or on our website, send an email blast, mass text messages or advertise on our social media sites, IMAGE will take care of all the details. You can sit back, relax and watch your sales go up.