Home Community News The ICRF Annual Evening of Inspiration

The ICRF Annual Evening of Inspiration

The Deal community honored the memory of Marilyn Falack at the 2013 Israel Cancer Research Fund Evening of Inspiration in Oakhurst, New Jersey. Suzanne and Eric Sasson hosted this year’s event, chaired by Ariela Ben-Dayan, Charles Ben-Dayan, Samantha Harary, and Lisa Oved. Committee members included Alice and Harry Adjmi, Raquel Dabah, Sarise Dweck, Linda and Harold Ebani, Cookie Falack, Bobby Harary, Brenda and Abe Hidary, Sadie Jemal-Meyers, Bruce Meyers, Isaac Oved, Sharon and Steven Sutton and Jacqueline and Albert Tobias.

The Israel Cancer Research Fund (ICRF) was founded in 1975 by a group of American and Canadian physicians, scientists and lay leaders who sought to prevent the permanent loss of Israel’s most promising cancer researchers to foreign universities due to the lack of funding in Israel for Ph.D.s, post-doctoral fellows and accomplished young scientists. With chapters in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Toronto, Montreal and Jerusalem, ICRF is a charitable organization devoted to supporting cancer research in Israel, a world center for cutting edge research and innovation.

Each spring, ICRF sponsors a rigorous grant review process, conducted by an expert panel of US and Canadian scientists and oncologists, which is based on the NIH (National Institute of Health) grant-making process. The reviewers represent some of the most highly regarded cancer research institutions in North America, including the Mayo Clinic, Memorial Sloan Kettering, Cleveland Clinic, National Cancer Institute, and many more. Grants are awarded to the most promising and capable Israeli cancer researchers at all of the leading academic and research centers in Israel.

The awards are made solely on the basis of scientific merit and the ability of the individual scientist to make a significant impact in his or her field. Since 1977, ICRF has awarded 1,939 grants totaling more than $46 million to Israeli cancer researchers via fellowships, project grants, career development awards and professorships. For the 2012/13 funding year, the Israel Cancer Research Fund is supporting 76 grants for a total of $2.73 million, a new funding record. For many of the young scientists who are still working to establish themselves, ICRF grants can mean the difference between remaining in Israel and leaving for opportunities abroad.

Home to some of the most brilliant scientists in the world, the efforts of Israeli cancer researchers have resulted in some of the most significant cancer breakthroughs in recent years. According to Kenneth Goodman, Chairman of ICRF, “We are extremely proud of our   ICRF-funded scientists, including Dr. Avram Hersko and Dr. Aaron Ciechanover who received the 2004 Nobel Prize in chemistry for their ground-breaking discovery of the Ubiquitin System, the body’s method of removing damaged proteins. This research led to the development of Velcade, the first FDA-approved drug specifically targeted against the Ubiquitin System, now being used to treat multiple myeloma. The intellectual and innovative capacities of our scientists have helped to elucidate the role of the p53 tumor-suppressor gene (present in 50% of all human cancer and now the most studied gene in the human genome), widely used cancer drugs (Doxil, Gleevec and Velcade), new bone marrow transplant techniques, and advances in understanding BRCA1 and 2 related breast cancer. All types of cancer are targeted: brain, breast, colon, eye, gastrointestinal, kidney, liver, lung, ovarian and more.”

“Through expanded funding,” noted Brad Goldhar, ICRF president,” we can continue to support the vital research that is needed to treat and ultimately cure cancer, while playing a critical role in helping to keep Israel’s finest scientific talent in Israel. The generous support of our donors enables ICRF to continue its commitment to finding the cure that we believe will come from within Israel’s outstanding scientific community.”

For more information about ICRF, please contact Shoshana Ellihou, New York Director of Development, ICRF, 295 Madison Avenue, Suite 1030, New York, New York 10017, call (212) 969-9800 ext. 25 or email Shoshana.ellihou@icrfny.org.