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I Am A Good Parent

Have you ever wondered how you stack up as a parent? Are your skills up to par? Are you approaching discipline and daily decisions with the right focus?

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, even when it comes to raising children. Once you recognize the areas where you excel, and identify those where you need to make some changes, you can focus on learning new skills and creating a parenting plan of your own.

This quiz will help you see yourself more clearly. Find a quiet corner and take our little test. Be honest and thoughtful. Your answers may surprise or even embarrass you, but you donā€™t have to share them with anyone and reviewing them can help you analyze and improve your parenting style, and get you on the road to creating a successful parenting plan.

True or False
1. I pause my work and listen to my children when they talk to me.
2. I often take time to spend with my children without distraction.
3. When my children have worries I listen and then
provide support.
4. My children have daily chores.
5. I often give my children choices, instead of always giving orders.
6. My children are in bed at the same time almost every night.
7. My kids say ā€œpleaseā€ and ā€œthank youā€ when they talk to me and to others.
8. I say ā€œpleaseā€ and ā€œthank youā€ when I talk to my
children and to others.
9. My instructions tend to be brief and specific. I rarely lecture.
10. I donā€™t give in to my childā€™s nagging, whining or pleading.
11. My kids clean up their own messes.
12. Our family eats dinner together almost every night.
13. I trust my children.
14. My children trust me.
15. I am consistent in the things that I say ā€œyesā€ and ā€œnoā€ to.
16. I have set rules, boundaries and limitations for my children 
17. When a problem occurs, we address it, solve it, and then itā€™s over.
18. I compliment my children at least three times as often as I criticize them.
19. Iā€™m involved in my childrenā€™s school and sports activities.
20. I learn about parenting by reading books, website articles, and/or by taking classes.
21. The first things I say to my children in the morning are pleasant and loving.
22. The last words I say to my children at night are pleasant and loving.
23. I hug my children and tell them I love them every day.
24. I try very hard never to yell at my children.
25. I do everything I can to keep my children healthy and happy at all times.

These statements reflect strong and positive parenting. The best answer to each of them is true. Take some time to ponder any statement to which you have answered false. Determine what changes you can make to better reflect the concepts  presented in each statement.

No one is perfect. We all get annoyed at our children now and then. Donā€™t punish yourself for not always being mom or dad of the year, just try your best and remember, your kids are not perfect either. They will make mistakes and throw tantrums now and then. As long as itā€™s more then than now, youā€™re doing a good job.

It takes time and effort to create and follow a good parenting plan, but itā€™s well worth the effort, since a good plan will make your daily decisions easier and help you be more consistent with your children. The end result will be calmer, more confident, happier and well-behaved children who know theyā€™re loved, which will make for a happier you.