Home Jewish Communities How Your Voter Registration Can Have Unintended Consequences And What You Can...

How Your Voter Registration Can Have Unintended Consequences And What You Can Do About It Now

Vote Registration Application Election Concept

The New York State Democratic Party, which has always had a moderate stance, is at risk of veering towards the radical left. Recent New York City mid-term elections were crucial to our community. Progressive Democrats, feeling empowered by a handful of high profile victories, have now thrown their weight behind any progressive trying to unseat moderate democratic incumbents.

Virtually all of the competitive elections in Brooklyn, Manhattan, and recently, Queens, are, and have been, decided by Democratic Party primary elections held in June of each year. The Governor, State Senate Majority, State Assembly Majority, Attorney General, Comptroller, Mayor, City Comptroller, every borough District Attorney, NYC Public Advocate, as well as 4 out of 5 Borough Presidents, and 48 of 51 New York City Council members, are all Democrats.

As the city and state continue a leftward tilt, it is clear that the community needs the ability to vote in the Democratic primaries. This will have influence on which Democrats run in the November elections. Strengthening our voting numbers in these primaries greatly encourages candidates to support issues vital to our community. The stark choice these days is between a moderate Democrat and a progressive one.

Since many community members are registered as Republican or Independent, they are excluded from voting in the Democratic primaries.

The SCF has always promoted an agenda of voter registration. Now, we are urging community members, who have not yet registered, to register as Democrats, and for those who are registered Independent or Republican, to change their voter registration to that of Democrat.

An individual must change his/her registered party one year in advance of being able to vote in the primary. Making the switch now would render one eligible to help elect candidates who support our community interests. Of course, in the general election, regardless of one’s party affiliation, he or she may vote for the candidate of his or her choice.

Chaskel Bennett, co-founder of the Flatbush Jewish Community Coalition (FJCC) wrote a powerful Op-Ed article about the diminished influence of Orthodox Jews in which he stated, “Like it or not, Orthodox Jews are doing this to themselves by registering as Republicans in New York City and disqualifying themselves from voting in the Democratic Primaries. Today, the big political battle in New York is no longer between Democrats and Republicans, instead it is the fight between moderate and progressive wings of the Democratic Party.” The SCF wholeheartedly agrees.

The too close for comfort primary for Queens District Attorney held in June, was only settled in August. Tiffany Caban was heavily backed by progressive Democrats. She conveyed reluctance to prosecute anyone other than those committing the most serious crimes. After recounts and protests, she conceded defeat to Melinda Katz, with a margin of only 55 votes. A victory for Caban would have given the progressive left a stronghold in that borough. This proves that every single vote counts, as 90,000 votes were cast in that race.

Registering as a Democrat or switching party registration is not a moral designation, it just gives one the ability to elect a candidate who can win and help our community. We want to make it very clear that this is not an argument to support Democrats over Republicans. We simply need to ensure that the moderate Democrats have our community’s full support and are not driven out by radicals. Political party registration, along with voting, is a critically important practical and tactical tool that permits us to have a voice in every aspect of the political process.

If you are not a registered Democrat and want to change your party registration or to register to vote for the first time, please visit: voterreg.dmv.ny.gov/MotorVoter.