Home Education Hillels Spectacular Seminar Weekend

Hillels Spectacular Seminar Weekend

Harry Franco, David Kassin, Jesse Dimitro and Jack MassryHillel Yeshiva students and faculty gathered on a recent Friday morning to enjoy a delicious breakfast. Afterwards, they boarded  buses for an exciting morning of ice skating. Students and faculty had fun skating together. Then it was off to a hotel, owned by Carey Tajfel, one of Hillel Yeshivas first graduates, for Shabbat. How inspiring it was to see 200 students, faculty and alumni gathered together at a beautiful hotel to enjoy a fantastic Shabbat weekend.

The seminar is designed to provide a wonderful, spiritual and fun Shabbat experience for all who attend. Camaraderie and friendship among the students is strengthened and its fun for the faculty, too.

The goal of the seminar is for students to think and learn in a more social, less structured environment. Achdut (unity) was the theme of this years seminar.

Rabbi Joey Mizrahi, who is a graduate of Hillel Yeshiva and is on the faculty of both Shaare Torah and the Yad Yosef Torah Center, was the keynote speaker. He taught everyone the different ways to view the Jewish concept of unity, providing students and faculty with stories and new ideas. He asked controversial questions: Do we use unity as an excuse to avoid proper but difficult responses? Would you choose to save one family member, 100 strangers or one million people on the other side of the world?

Students attended sessions with faculty and advisors, who discussed the different aspects of approaching achdut: When is achdut good? What gives power to achdut? When can it be used for evil?

School advisors served as role models to the students, as they help to lead sessions, minyanim and songs. One of the advisors commented, I was so impressed with the students. I could see that they want to get closer to G-d and follow the Torah. There are so many nice kids and Im so happy that I got to know them.

What would a seminar be without Shabbat zemirot (hymns), circles and Torah lessons? Rabbi Jay Weinstein, Rabbi of the Young Israel of East Brunswick and husband to faculty member Mrs. Sharon Weinstein spoke, as did students Dorothy Newman and Edward Benjamin.

Everyone participated in a meaningful, moving and fun Shabbat experience.

On Friday night, the boys were treated to a kibbe and kugel gathering with Rabbi Avrohom Feldman and Rabbi Joseph Tawil and the girls had a cookies and candy gathering with Mrs. Chedva Perr. Hillel graduate Andy Mizrahi and his wife, Gail, kept everyone entertained with skits and group games. Who would believe that two people could keep 200 participants involved in a single game on Shabbat afternoon?

Motzei Shabbat, the students danced to the  lively music of Rabbi Bodlander and the Hillel band. Faculty, advisors and students bonded while dancing to Jewish/Israeli music. Student produced videos coordinated by Ricky Tawil and Lee Matalon, with the help of Max Steinber, elicited hysterical laughter as did the guest hypnotist who put a spell over student volunteers. Of course, no one went hungry. The delicious Shabbat food, pizza, baked ziti and ice cream were provided by Murray Betesh, who in the spirit of unity served delicious food.

With the dawn of Sunday morning, the seminar drew to a close. All agreed it had been an inspiring and fun-packed Shabbat.

Thank you to Rabbi Victor Gindi and Mrs. Susan Snyder who spent many months coordinating the seminar weekend, and of course to Rabbi Howard Bald, for his guidance and meaningful Divrei Torah, which are always inspirational.