Home Education Hillel Yeshiva’s Intergenerational Trip

Hillel Yeshiva’s Intergenerational Trip

ImageRecently, Rabbi Beyda and Rabbi Bodlander accompanied the tzadikim of 5th grade on a very special intergenerational trip. Rabbi Beyda and the students prepared and led a model seder for the senior citizens at the JCC. Each part of the seder was explained by a different member of the class. Then Rabbi Bodlander led the group in some popular Pesach songs, including “Dayeinu,” and “Ma Nishtana.”

Following the singing, all enjoyed a festive Pesach meal together, giving the students and seniors a chance to get acquainted. “I liked participating in the model seder,” Sammy Ashkenazi, a 5th grade student, said. “The seder was a wonderful thing for us and the seniors.”

ImageThe students really enjoyed being able to lead a seder. “My favorite part was when I was reading my part and everyone was paying very close attention to what I was saying,” said David Laniado, another 5th grade student.

Leading the seder gave the students the opportunity to see how much pride they are able to bring to the community.

Isaac Schweky, another student, commented, “I think that the seniors enjoyed watching young children do a model seder.”

“I think that putting on a model seder for senior citizens is a very good act of kindness,” said 5th grader Aaron Chaiklin.

Joanne Glassoff, director of Senior Nutrition Adult and Jewish Programming, wrote in an email to Hillel Yeshiva, “Thank you so much for giving the seniors of the Ruth Hyman JCC a wonderful afternoon and ‘taste’ of the Pesach seder. Your students are so knowledgeable and did a wonderful job leading us in the rituals. Thanks again for providing this wonderful mitzvah and for inspiring the next generation of menschen.”