Home Education Hillel Yeshiva’s Bat Mitzvah Class

Hillel Yeshiva’s Bat Mitzvah Class

The 6th Grade Bat Mitzvah girls

The 6th Grade Bat Mitzvah girls

This year Hillel Yeshiva’s Bat Mitzvah Program surpassed the goals that the 6th grade girls had set for themselves. The girls were preparing for their Bat Mitzvahs by learning the precept of olam hesed yibaneh: loving kindness will build the world. With just a single phone call from the Sephardic Bikur Holim Food Pantry, an idea germinated into a vital and rewarding hesed project. The Food Pantry was in need of kosher salt, so the girls engineered a colossal fundraising enterprise that raised $10,000.

Through dedication and hard work, the Bat Mitzvah Class embodied the value of v’ahavta l’reiach kamocha: treat your fellow Jew as you would treat yourself. A festive Chinese Auction and a bake sale were planned. It was hosted at the home of Allegra and Jacobo Cojab. The girls gathered together and prepared a selection of tantalizing treats and wrapped prizes which were auctioned off to their proud mothers. The girls were able to translate their efforts of raising tzedaka into action, by spending an afternoon shopping for the necessary items needed by the Food Pantry. Then they actually re-stocked the pantry’s shelves with the items they purchased.

Bat Mitzvah girls

Bat Mitzvah girls

Their next endeavor was a Package Party hosted at the home of Barbara and Nathan Ades. The concept was simple: each girl, accompanied by her father, brought a wrapped package that would be auctioned off. With the energetic efforts of the auctioneer, Jennifer Dayan, the evening was a tremendous success, enabling the Bat Mitzvah Class to reach this remarkable and incomparable achievement.

Janet Chrem, Vickey Sakkal and Sarah Goldman

Janet Chrem, Vickey Sakkal and Sarah Goldman

Throughout this past year, the girls studied the roles of outstanding Jewish women and in a mother/daughter event learned the impact of tefila on their lives. Through a skit about trust and hallah braiding, the girls and their mothers learned about the impact a Jewish woman can have on her family and community.

Vera Antebi, Mrs. Cindy Antebi, Mrs. Eileen Mizrahi and Mrs. Elvira Antebi

Vera Antebi, Mrs. Cindy Antebi, Mrs. Eileen Mizrahi and Mrs. Elvira Antebi

The culmination of the entire year of learning was the Bat Mitzvah Brunch Celebration held at the school. The room was transformed into a garden, through the efforts of the girls and Michelle Jemal, who taught them how to make the beautiful centerpieces for each table. Mayor Larkin of Ocean Township welcomed everyone to the auspicious occasion. Dr. Ruth Katz, Head of School, ELC—8th grade, spoke about all the girls had learned about olam hesed yibaneh and how this class embodies the concept of “loving kindness that will build the world.” Rabbi Saul Kassin, Rosh Yeshiva—Halachic Authority, related the hesed of Ruth in the Megilah that we read on Shavuot. He explained how Ruth gave up wealth and prestige to accompany her mother-in-law to an unknown land.

Mrs. Liba Hirschprug, Mrs. Rivka Miriam Schor, Dr. Ruth Katz, Mrs. Barbara Ades, Mrs. Cindy Antebi and Mrs. Helene Mizrahi

Mrs. Liba Hirschprug, Mrs. Rivka Miriam Schor, Dr. Ruth Katz, Mrs. Barbara Ades, Mrs. Cindy Antebi and Mrs. Helene Mizrahi

Mrs. Helene Mizrahi of the Sephardic Bikur Holim Food Pantry thanked her “angels” for their outstanding achievement and for their determination and dedication to succeed. She reminded everyone that hesed is a long-standing tradition of the community, handed down from grandmothers to mothers and now to daughters.
A sumptuous brunch was served, followed by a program of music, dance and skits performed by the Bat Mitzvah Class themselves. Thank you to all who helped to make the program such a success. May the girls be blessed to continue in the footsteps of those who have come before them and continue in the tradition of giving back to the community. Hillel Yeshiva’s motto is to educate the whole child. With the support and hospitality of our dedicated parent body, Hillel Yeshiva expanded the educational component of Bat Mitzvah to enhance the inner beauty of our most prized possession, the future women of our community!

May Hashem protect and guide our young ladies with health, strength and the ability to give to others.