Sending a child to 1st grade can be an anxiety provoking experience, not only for the child but for the parents as well. Only a few months later, as we watch our child perform in his or her siddur play, those feelings are replaced by an overwhelming sense of appreciation.
Recently, under the direction of our fabulous teachers, Morah Itta Landau, Morah Devorah Grosz and Morah Rochel Fogel, our 1st graders performed in a unique extravaganza that they had been practicing for weeks.

As they lined up in their fabulous costumes of glittering yellow vests, shining silver crowns and blue bow ties, it was hard to believe that these serious students were kindergarteners just one year ago. Suddenly our adorable children had blossomed into mature yeshiva students.
Dr. Ruth Katz, Head of School, ELC-8th grade, introduced the program with such love and enthusiasm that it felt as if each child was her own. Our Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Saul Kassin, delivered an inspiring D’var Torah that began the program.

Then, the moment we had all been waiting for arrived! Our amazing musical director, Dahlia Menaged, began playing and the rest was truly magical. The sweet voices of the 1st graders filled the auditorium with enthusiasm and energy. They sang from their hearts and souls about Jerusalem, the Torah and their love of prayer. From their hand motions to their facial expressions, we knew they were enjoying every moment. It was contagious! The audience of parents, grandparents and siblings looked on with faces gleaming with joy. It was definitely a moment of celebration for all of us!

One of the highlights of the morning was when Rabbi Kassin called upon all of the men to rise and bless their son, daughter or grandchild with the beautiful blessing recited on Friday nights. I don’t know who felt more special, the fathers and grandfathers, or the children—it was incredible!
After the beautiful musical performance, Rabbi Avi Bodlander, Assistant Principal of the Elementary School, along with the teachers, presented the children with a siddur. Each child got his/her moment to shine and accept the siddur that represents their connection to the Jewish people. They held onto their siddur and smiled from ear to ear realizing how much they had achieved. The siddurim were generously donated by Laurie and Marc Mizrachi in honor of their 1st grader, Eli. The morning concluded with special gifts that had been generously donated by an anonymous sponsor. Each girl received a gold Star of David necklace and each boy received a velvet talit bag inscribed with his name and containing a talit and kippah. And of course, everyone enjoyed the delicious cakes and cupcakes!
It was an amazing milestone in our children’s lives and because of the elaborate preparations, it is a milestone that we will cherish for years to come. Congratulations to the 1st grade class of 2009!
Ellen Sutton has three children attending Hillel Yeshiva. She is an active member of the board of directors and the board of education.