Spreading joy, spreading light, spreading smiles and spreading happiness is just what the 6th grade girls of Hillel Yeshiva did in Jersey Shore Hospital and Monmouth Medical Center during Hanukah, brining smiles to the faces of hospitalized children.
The idea began when the 5th, 6th and 7th grade girls of Hillel Yeshiva participated in a special program commemorating Rachel Imeinu. As part of their Bat Mitzvah year hesed curriculum, the 6th grade girls created beautiful gifts which included delightfully decorated pillowcases, adorable felt puppets, and fun books.
The 6th grade girls then elaborately packaged the gifts for distribution to children in local hospitals. This program was coordinated by the Sixth Grade Hesed Committee: Carly Parker (student coordinator), Melissa Dweck, Joyce Dayan, Elaine Gindi, Jennifer Cohen, Stella Sitt, Arielle Tanzman, Alyn Saadia and Adela Cojab. The preparation and decoration of the gift packages was so much fun, it made the girls very enthusiastic, as they anticipated the special trip to the hospitals!

Class 6G1 boarded buses to Jersey Shore Medical Center with much excitement and a little trepidation. They were on their way to distribute the gifts to all the children on the pediatric floor.
Mrs. Devorah Munk, Special Education Coordinator at Hillel and Program Director, spoke to the girls about what to say and what not to say to the patients. Upon arrival at Jersey Shore Medical Center, the girls were greeted by Michelle Taylor, Director of Volunteer Services, who brought the girls to the pediatric department. The girls lined the hallway and under the direction of Morah Dahlia Menaged, filled the corridors with their voices, singing beautiful Hanukah songs. In small groups of four, the girls distributed gifts to each individual patient.

The next day class 6G2 began their part of the program by meeting in the lobby of Monmouth Medical Center. Kristen Furliano, Director of Volunteer services at Monmouth brought the students to the 2nd floor and the gift distribution was set into motion. The girls were divided into groups of four. Each patient was treated to beautiful Hanukah medleys, sung by the 6th grade girls and received a gift package.

The smiles on the faces of the patients will forever be cherished in the memories of our 6th grade students. As one mom of a patient told us, as we were heading for the elevators, “My daughter never smiles and is always crying. You girls got her not only to stop crying, but to actually have a smile on her face. You really made a difference in my daughter’s life!”
This wonderful hesed project had an impact not only on the patients but also upon our students. Rochelle Goldman said, “It made me happy to see the children smile when we were singing!”
Janet Chrem added, “I enjoyed giving the presents to the children— it made them happy!”
Geri Cohen stated, “It felt good to make the children in the hospital happy.”

Elayne Gindi said, “Doing a great mitzvah is a great experience. I hope I can do it again.”
Jennifer Cohen added, “I felt happy doing a big mitzvah and seeing the patients smile.”
Stella Sitt said, “I enjoyed seeing their faces light up when I gave the children their presents.”
Mellisa Dweck said, “I enjoyed making the baby smile.”
Arielle Tanzman added, “I felt like I brought joy to the children’s ward. I enjoyed giving the presents to the children.”
Rachel Samolowitz said, “I felt happy watching the children smile—because it made me happy.” And Alyn Saadia added, “I enjoyed singing to the baby—and while we were singing, the baby wasn’t crying.”