Home Education Hillel Nursery Kids Go Apple Picking

Hillel Nursery Kids Go Apple Picking

ImageThe summer may have come to an end, but Hillel Yeshiva still knows how to take advantage of the great outdoors! Recently, our nursery children were treated to a beautiful morning at Wemrock Orchards. Their plan was to pick apples for the upcoming Jewish New Year. By the end of the morning, their experience was so much more than that.

The teachers prepared them all week long for Rosh Hashanah. They explained the significance of dipping an apple in honey to represent a sweet new year. Needless to say, the children were eagerly awaiting this day. When it finally arrived, they all packed into vans and away they went on their first school trip of the year. Alongside them was an SUV filled with moms just as excited as the kids.

ImageWhen they reached the orchard, the kids’ eyes lit up. “Wow, so many trees! Can we take home all the apples?” These were some adorable first reactions from the children. They were each given a personalized bag, groups were divided, and off they went.

The sight of our children twisting and turning the apples to get them off the tree was truly priceless! They examined the apples better than our own moms in a fruit store. If it had the slightest blemish, then down to the ground it went. Some liked the greenish Cortland apples; others only wanted Red Delicious.

ImageIt was so beautiful to witness the partnership of the young children. If one child couldn’t reach an apple, another pulled down the branch so he could get to it. This was a testament to their true values at such a young age.

When the picking was done and the bags were filled, the group re-united to sing and take pictures with their teachers. The excitement was felt throughout the field as they sang, “Way Up High in the Apple Tree.” The song had a whole new meaning that day.

As the children returned to the vans, everyone was hesitant to leave. It was such a special adventure; no one wanted it to end. We may have left with only apples but the experience will last a whole lot longer. May we all share in a very healthy, happy and sweet New Year!
Ellen Sutton has three children attending Hillel Yeshiva. She is a member of the Board of Directors and Board of Education.