Home Community News High Holiday Programs at Hillel Yeshiva

High Holiday Programs at Hillel Yeshiva

As the uplifting voices of four world-class Hazzanim reverberated with selihot (special prayers) throughout Hillel Yeshiva High School, all those in attendance experienced a most stirring and inspirational Erev Yom Kippur. Hazzanim David Saliah, Ram Mizrahi, Shlomo Teherani and Yishai Teherani were asked to share their gift of Tefilla with the students. The prayers helped prepare both students and faculty for the upcoming holiday.

This inspirational program was just one of the many memorable events that took place at Hillel Yeshiva to usher in the new school year and the High Holidays.

Following the moving prayers, Rabbi Howard Bald, Head of High School, introduced one of the most admired Roshei Yeshiva in our community, Rabbi Shlomo Diamond, who shared stirring words of Torah. The students were clearly engaged by the rabbi’s meaningful message as he urged them to prepare for the New Year by taking upon themselves a small virtuous act. A dynamic question and answer session followed.

The student council also ran their annual lulav and etrog sale, where they doubled their sales since last Sukkot. Members of the student council visited local synagogues, sold sets on parent-teacher night, called the parent body, and sent out emails to ensure a successful sale. The high school was also fortunate to have new faculty member, Rabbi Ovadia Alouf, demonstrate the proper techniques of waving the lulav in the Lulav and Etrog Workshop.

Hillel students also coordinated the sukkah decorating for the Bikur Holim house at Monmouth Medical Center. The beautifully decorated sukkah put smiles on the faces of all who used it.

The festivities finished with a memorable Hol HaMoed Sukkot celebration for the 8th through 12th grade boys at Eatontown Synagogue’s sukkah. The evening started with Minha and Arbit, followed by a dinner of delicious mazzah and Chinese food in the sukkah. Rabbi Moshe Douek, Eatontown Synagogue’s rabbi and high school faculty member, spoke about the importance of celebrating in the sukkah. After dinner, a DJ was brought in and the boys danced and sang with their rabbis and friends until late at night.

The students of Hillel Yeshiva High School are off to a great start. They can look forward to many, more exciting and engaging activities in the coming school year!