Home Community News Hesed Days at Magen David Yeshivah

Hesed Days at Magen David Yeshivah

Acts of hesed are inspiring. When performed as a group, the results are truly impressive. Recently, the students in Magen David Yeshivah Celia Esses High School (MDY) spent several afternoons performing different acts of hesed in conjunction with several organizations in our community. Each hesed day proved to be an uplifting experience that promoted unity while instilling awareness in the students about the needs of the community.

The members of the MDY faculty worked together with PTA President Lisa Elo to create programs that enabled the students to work directly with different organizations, giving the students several opportunities to engage in hesed.

The idea developed based on Purim and the mitzvahs of Esther and Mordechai. Once Mordechai brought the Jews together, they were able to rally in prayer and have the decree of destroying the Jews reversed. We felt that doing hesed projects would benefit the students as well as the community, said Rabbi David Elnadav. The hesed days were in memory of Rabbi Elnadavs grandfather, Rabbi Raphael Yair Elnadav who passed away in December. He taught at Magen David Yeshivah in the 1960s and was the hazzan and rabbi of Shaare Zion for 22 years.

Each grade was given their own special day to perform hesed. On freshman day, the students spent an enjoyable afternoon bowling with students from Yachad in Chelsea Piers. The 10th, 11th and 12th grade students were divided into different buses. Each group performed various hands-on hesed projects with different organizations. Whether the students brought smiles to the many seniors they visited while making mishloach manot (food packages for Purim), prepared food in the Masbia soup kitchen, helped count tzedakeh (charity), sorted through donated clothing, redecorated a library or assisted in the SBH food pantry, what they gained was both gratifying and fulfilling. The teachers were thrilled to see their students perform in such a positive light.

One student imparted, By giving of yourself you can make a difference in the lives of others. It is such a rewarding feeling.

Rabbi Joey Haber, spiritual leader at MDY, spoke to the students about Taanit Esther. The rabbi articulated how hesed is the essence of Purim. All we do on this holiday is give mishloach manot, matanot le-evyonim (gifts to the poor), and mahatzit hashekel (half a shekel). I am so proud to be a part of Magen David Yeshivah! The holiday is about giving and caringto uplift someone you never knew, to smile at someone you never saw, and to hug someone you never met!

Since the project was so successful, MDY is planning to have several more hesed days in the future. Thank you to Rabbi David Elnadav, Ms. Sally Mishanieh and Ms. Elyse Nadjar for spearheading the project, and to all the faculty members that participated in the afternoon. Thank you to all the organizations that participated: SBH, Masbia soup kitchen, the Met Council of Seagate, Yachad, the Sephardic Home, the Ahi Ezer Senior Home and Ohel.
Randi Shomer is a mother of four children, a community member, and a freelance writer.