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Herzog Hospital

Helping 2,000 Men, Women and Children Every Month

Sarah Herzog Hospital, established in 1894, is Israels foremost center for geriatric treatment and research. With 330 beds, its the third largest hospital in Jerusalem. The hospital specializes in the full range of problems associated with agingacute medical problems; physical rehabilitation; psychogeriatrics.

A special childrens department provides long term respiratory care for children ranging in age from 3 months to 18 years. The Psychiatry Department treats people suffering from mental illness and the Department of Research has earned international recognition for its work in Alzheimers and Parkinsons Diseases, schizophrenia, and other brain disorders and diseases.

Off campus, Herzogs Israel Center for the Treatment of Psychotrauma helps the victims of terror attacks, domestic violence, Holocaust survivors and now those suffering from the rocket attacks. It also provides trauma training to professionals throughout Israel. Since 9/11, it has become an international resource center, providing psychological trauma care and training in NY, Mississippi, Haiti and Mexico City, plus several other places throughout the world.

The hospitals Community Mental Health Centers services range from treating children with ADHD to individuals suffering from early onset Alzheimers Disease; The Mental Health Center helps 2,000 men, women and children each month.

Herzog is a major teaching hospital providing student and residency training in geriatrics and psychiatry for the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School.

The Childrens Chronic Respiratory Care Department is an extension of the hospitals successful 90 bed Adult Respiratory Department. Children provide a unique challenge within this very specialized field.

In addition to all their incredible services, Herzog Hospital is currently constructing the Editha and Dr. Heinz E. Samson Medical Pavilion which will add 240 more beds and will be a totally green, environmentally friendly, facility meeting the highest international and national standards. It will consist of six floors of clinical departments and two basement floors. This should enable the hospital to fulfill the needs of the ever growing elderly population.

The building will incorporate a Sheltered Underground Emergency Hospital, built to withstand the impact of missiles and provide protection from chemical and biological attacks. This is a direct result of the Second Lebanon War and Gaza conflict, as building requirements for hospitals have been revised to include expanded shelters for the protection of patients from rocket fire.

In addition, a synagogue and expanded Radiology Suite will be built into the side of the mountain. This will enable them to continue operations during a missile attack and will also double as shelters.

Recently, Herzog Hospital established a Clinical Research Center for Brain Sciences and Cognition. This multidisciplinary research facility focuses on brain related diseases, such as dementia, Alzheimers and Parkinsons Diseases, stroke and ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases.

The hospital does not receive funding from the Israeli government. It raises part of its operating budget, as well as funds for improvement, expansion and research, from private sources. Projects are supported through Friends Of Herzog Hospital groups, overseas and in Israel, and by foundations and individuals.

With the new pavilion under construction there are many naming opportunities. We invite you to visit Herzog Hospital on your next trip to Israel.

For more information, or to make a tax deductible donation contact:

Friends of Herzog Hospital
136 E. 57th Street, Suite 803
New York, NY 10022
(212) 683-3702
or visit www.afherzoghospital.org