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Help Beautify Kings Highway


In 2006, a group of neighborhood residents and shop owners formed the Kings Highway Beautification Association (KHBA). Their mission was to improve the quality of life on Kings Highway, from Ocean Parkway to McDonald Avenueand it still is.  
Sadly, six years later, sidewalks are dirty, weeds and grass are overgrown and there garbage cans are still overflowing.

The KHBA recently met with Department of Sanitation Community Affairs Officer Iggy Terranova to discuss what can be done about these  problems. It has gotten to the point where the association is considering removing trash cans, because people are dumping their personal garbage in them, which makes for a huge mess. Mr. Terranova is now working with them to help educate and work with the community to solve these problems. Those who are caught dumping personal garbage in street trash cans will be fined.

Mr. Terranova explained that every resident and store owner is responsible for cleaning their sidewalk and 18 inches into the street, including garbage and gardening. Many people are unaware of this law. There is one store owner who cares and is doing his part. We would like to thank Sal Foresta, the owner of IDA Cleaners, at 579 Kings Highway, who recently took it upon himself to mulch the property in front of his store, removing unsightly weeds.

Everyone should follow his example.Early on, the KHBA reached out to our political leaders for assistance. Councilman Domenic Recchia, Jr., taught them how to interact with city agencies. He is still working closely with them. Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz secured a grant for over $200,000 to replace the existing lights with antique lamp posts. Unfortunately, Kings Highway is not yet beautiful, but the KHBA is  working on it and would appreciate your help.

If you have questions or complaints about a sanitation situation, call 311