Home Bible Study & Holidays Hanukah at the Governors Mansion

Hanukah at the Governors Mansion

Al Shams


Two thousand, three hundred years ago a miracle occurred in Judea and today we celebrate the holiday of Hanukah.

This year, Governor Nathan Deal of Georgia and his wife Sandra, graciously extended an invitation to approximately 120 members of the Jewish community to observe the third day of Hanukah at the mansion. My wife, Amanda, and I were fortunate to be invited.

Guests were able to tour portions of the mansion and to view beautiful decorations. Traditional Hanukah treats were served, including latkes, donuts, lox, chopped liver, fresh and dried fruit.

Chuck Beck, Chairman of the Jewish Republican Party of Georgia acted as a spokesman and helped to coordinate the planning. Invitees included people from both sides of the political aisle.

In attendance were a number of local personalities, including Sam Massell, Elliot Arnovitz, Steve Selig, Sam Olens, Chuck Beck, Tom Glaser, Ken Stein and Opher Aviran.


Mrs. Deal, in her warm and gracious manner, welcomed all to the mansion and extended holiday greetings. She said she was happy to host this event and invited all to visit the mansion throughout the year.

The Governor spoke of the close cultural, economic and humanitarian ties that exist between Georgia, and Israel, and our shared values. He cited the mutually beneficial relationships that exists between the two governments and that Georgia is supportive of Israel during its time of need. In closing he asked all attendees to be mindful of the great sacrifice of our armed forces, many of whom are Georgians, serving our country in combat zones around the world.


It is fair to say that Georgia for it’s size, enjoys a disproportionately favorable relationship with Israel. This relationship it is the result of astute leadership, great insight and hard work on both sides. Citizens of each government have benefited more than they realize.

As candles were lit, it was mentioned, that in a larger sense, the Hanukah celebration represents a triumph of freedom over tyranny, hope over despair and a world with opportunities and respect for all.

Perhaps there was a miracle on West Paces Ferry Road at the Governor’s mansionone that shows that people, with various religious beliefs and with goodness in their hearts can come together for mutual joy and benefit.


I can imagine our Creator, looking down from heaven at our gathering with a twinkle in his eye, thinking to himself, “these guys have got it right.”


Al Shams lives in Atlanta and belongs to Congregation B’nai Torah in Atlanta, Georgia. He has close ties to the Syrian Jewish community in Brooklyn