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Hanukah at Gesher Yehuda

ImageHanukah at Gesher Yehuda is more than just a celebration of the Festival of Lights. It is an experience that leaves an indelible impression on all of those who participate in the week-long events that surround the holiday.

What better way to impress upon the students the importance of giving to those less fortunate, than participating in the annual Chai Lifeline toy drive? Every year, on the days leading up to Hanukah, the students are encouraged to bring in gifts for children who are undergoing the hardship of illness and hospitalization. This year was no different, except that the stakes were higher.  The classes competed with each other to see who would bring in the most gifts. The 8th graders won! All the gifts were displayed in the lobby for everyone to see. It was a true Kiddush Hashem to see how special and caring Gesher Yehuda’s students are.

While the gifts were displayed on the left side of the lobby, the right side of the lobby was bedecked with some of the most innovative and creative menorahs you have ever seen. As part of a school-wide menorah making contest, the students worked hard either individually or as a group to create some extraordinary looking menorahs. 

There were menorahs made from water bottles, wires, styrofoam, basketballs, Legos and many other unique materials.  Stanley Sorscher’s menorah was chosen as the winner. The contest was just another testament to the faculty’s dedication and commitment to involve the students in activities that incorporate fun, education and heritage. When the students are excited to come to school to participate in such events it generates an overall increase in motivation for learning.

To honor Gesher’s special staff for all the hard work, effort and professional experience that they execute in school everyday, a gala luncheon was served on the second day of Hanukah. Replete with great food, raffles and delightful gifts, the luncheon was a genuine display of appreciation for a job well done and a vote of confidence that the staff would keep up the great work.

What would Hanukah be without a school performance? Thankfully, our 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders stepped up to the task. They put on a beautiful Hanukah production. All the parents were invited to attend and were wowed by the spirited Hanukah songs and the charming costumes that were put together by each grade. Anyone who was there can tell you how proud the children were to share what they learned about the beauty and miracles of this truly festive holiday. Looking forward to next year!