Home Bible Study & Holidays Hanukah: The Holiday of Lights

Hanukah: The Holiday of Lights

Sunday, December 21th – Wednesday, December 29th

HanukkahRedemption Against All Odds
In the time of King Antiochus, over 2,200 years ago, the fate of the Jewish people seemed grim. The vastly outnumbered Maccabees were up against the world’s most sophisticated military machine. They faced opposition from within, as well. Many of their brethren were meek, complacent, and all too willing to forsake their heritage and assimilate into the Hellenistic culture. It was the proverbial “darkest hour before dawn.” Yet, with the dawn, with G-d’s hlep came the miraculous, unprecedented victory. Against all odds, the Maccabees were able to reclaim the Holy Land and rededicate the Holy Temple.

Throughout the ages, Hanukah has signified the miraculous triumph of the weak over the strong, the pure over the impure and the righteous over the wicked. Whenever the integrity of the Jewish people is under siege, no matter how dark the night, the Hanukah lights proclaim with confidence that the dawn of deliverance is near.

Miracle for Today
The lights of the Hanukah menorah are more than simply a reminder of ancient miracles—they are meant to provide inspiration and illumination in our contemporary daily lives. In fact, in a very real sense, the Hanukah miracles of old are re-enacted in our observance today. That is one reason why we say, in the second blessing recited over the Hanukah lights, “Blessed are You who wrought miracles for our ancestors, in those days, at this time.” By reflecting upon the significance of the Hanukah miracles, we can see, with ever-increasing clarity, the miraculous dimension of events in our own time.

Spreading the Light
The menorah is lit either in the doorway, or in a front window, so that it can be seen outside in the street. This teaches that it is not enough to bring light into our own private domain. We must spread the light and warmth of Torah to the outer environment as well, as far as our influence can reach.

Brighter and Brighter
Each night of Hanukah we add another light to the menorah, until all eight lamps shine on the eighth night. This signifies that in matters of holiness, we must always be on the increase. With every added flame, we go from strength to strength in deepening our commitment to the values and traditions of our Jewish way of life.

The Ultimate Miracle
Today, the Hanukah lights have special relevance. Many among us despair of ever witnessing the dawn of redemption. After nearly two thousand years, it may seem that the cold, hard realities of exile have all but erased our age-old faith in the coming of Moshiach, who will lead us toward a perfect world. But Hanukah reminds us that G-d grants redemption in the blink of an eye. The light of G-dliness can brighten even the darkest night.

Hanukah Gifts
On Hanukah, it is traditional to give all children Hanukah gifts and or money. Of course, this beautiful custom adds to the children’s happiness and festive spirit. In addition, it affords us an opportunity to give them positive reinforcement for exemplary behavior, such as diligence in their studies, and acts of charity.

The Origin of the Dreidel
The Syrians decreed that the teaching or studying of Torah was a crime punishable by death or imprisonment. But the children defiantly studied in secret; and when Syrian patrols were spotted, they would pretend to be playing an innocent game of dreidel.

The Dreidel
The dreidel is a four-sided spinning top-also called a s’vivon, in Hebrew. On each side is a Hebrew letter: nun, gimmel, hay, and shin. The letters stand for the phrase Nes Gadol Hayah Sham (a great miracle happened there). It is traditionally used to play a lively Hanukah game.

Happy Hanukah. May this Festival of Lights bring blessings upon you and all your loved ones for happiness and for health, and usher in a better world for all of humankind.
Rabbi Laine is director of Chabad Vocational Schools