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Great Art and Fine Wine for an Excellent Cause

Jeffrey Leb, Eli and Natalie Greenberg, Betty Pollack, Rochelle and Richard SeniorCheers to everyone who attended and sponsored Art for Otsar, an inspiring evening of fine art at gallery nine5. The occasion was marked with a selection of fine wine and hors doeurves served to community members interested in contemporary art and supporting the important work done at Otsar Family Services.

Eli Greenberg, an Otsar board member, remarked that Quite a number of the children in the community have begun their education at Otsar; and the caring and professional staff has often made an impact on the children that remains wherever they go.

His wife Natalie, an art history adjunct professor at Brooklyn College and a Careers in the Arts Counselor for Magen David Yeshivah High School, spoke about collecting art. Natalies brother Marc is a client at Otsars Dayhab program and an artist himself. Natalie wanted the crowd to enjoy looking at the art, hear a bit about collecting art, but most of all to learn about Otsar, a wonderful organization that is close to her heart.

Otsar is there for the life of ones child, Ruth Senior said. Our son Marc joined Otsar as a young man in his 20s (when Otsar was founded) and found a place that suits his special needs. He has great friends, an interesting and varied curriculum, and staff that truly care about him. He is now in his 50s and we depend on Otsar to be there for Marc and for our family as he continues to thrive in this loving environment.

When I visited Otsar some months back, I stopped by the preschool to see the program in action, explained Richard Senior. I am so glad I did. Otsar is a happy place where things are really happening.  There was laughter and singing to be heard as I passed in the halls, along with specific therapies being done in a number of the classrooms. These very young children are improving steadily, Im told, and many will catch up with their peers.  I was impressed by the air of determination and the drive to succeed that abounds at Otsar.

The Greenbergs were pleased to see that many friends and family had come out to show their support for Otsar. Sebastien Le Pelletier, founder and director of the gallery remarked, we were very proud to host the Otsar Art Event at
gallery nine5. It was our pleasure to be involved in raising money for such an important cause as the Early Childhood Center, and meet Otsars wonderful guests.

We are gratified by Natalie and Elis enthusiasm for the vital work we do, explained Jeff Leb, Otsars Chief Operating Officer. Our organization could not have become a leader in the field for providing quality programs and services to individuals with special needs, without the support of the Greenbergs, the Seniors and their extended family and friends.