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Grandpa Joe’s Pickles

My mom, also known as Grandma Sue A”H, would always make mmm Chelah (pickled vegetables), as we used to call them. I remember coming home from school and seeing all the pretty colored vegetables waiting on the counter to be put in the fridge. I would always sneak some. My dad, Grandpa Joe, absolutely loved his mmm chelah. He liked it even better than any regular salad or vegetables. His favorite thing to do was accidentally drop a piece of bread into the juice, just so he could sneak a bite. It would make us laugh every time! It made my mom so happy to see her Joe enjoying her pickled cabbage and cauliflower and especially the juice!

Grandma Sue and Grandpa Joe

As time went on, Mom was unable to cut the vegetables. She would sit in the kitchen and teach my dad exactly how to cut them and correctly put them in the jars. She was a very good director. Soon Grandpa Joe learned exactly how to make the famous mmm chellah. He was able to make them all on his own, and loved doing it too! You could always be sure that when you went to visit Grandma Sue and Grandpa Joe you would find some kind of pickles in the fridge. He would make sure to have the different kinds that each one of us liked the best.

Since my mom has passed, I have been encouraging my dad to make and sell his famous and delicious pickles. But at 92, it’s just not that easy for him. He enjoys making them for all his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. They look forward to his pickles each and every Shabbat. To keep my mother’s famous pickles and great memories alive, I have decided to share them with all of you! My wish is that you can enjoy these delicious treats with your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Now offering cabbage, cauliflower, carrots and cucumbers for $10 a jar. Call or text to order 917-202-7308.