Home Education Gesher Yehuda’s Purim Fun

Gesher Yehuda’s Purim Fun

ImageThere is never a shortage of fun, creative and exciting events that capture the minds and hearts of the students at Gesher Yehuda. But perhaps the most anticipated month of the year is Adar, when the festivities surrounding Purim take the excitement to a whole new level. From Purim masquerades to school-wide contests to mishloach manot packages to song-filled presentations, every day of this special month gives the students of Gesher Yehuda the opportunity to express themselves in unique and creative ways.

ImageWe kicked off the month with a fantastic “Mommy and Me” celebration hosted by the kindergarten class.  On Rosh Hodesh, Gesher’s youngest students invited their moms to a costume event where they were received “royally” by their little “kings” and “queens.” After a lively song presentation, the mothers joined in their children’s fun as they made their way from one Purim activity center to another. Face painting, designing Purim cookies using edible paint, putting puzzles together and making masks were the activities enjoyed by everyone. 

On Taanit Esther, all the students in every grade took part in the hustle and bustle of pre-Purim preparations. The kindergarteners squeezed grapes, baked hamantashen and weaved their very own baskets to bring home to their parents as mishloach manot.

ImageThe 1st graders had a mishloach manot exchange, while the 2nd and 3rd graders loved having their faces painted after playing a game of “pass the package.” The 4th graders decorated masks and the 5th graders baked heavenly hamantashen. With their teachers dressed as authentic sushi chefs, the 7th graders made sushi and the 8th graders had a blast playing the game Scattergories. Don’t we all wish that we could be in school again?

The masquerade was the highlight of it all as cowboys, musicians, brides, animals and a variety of cartoon characters filled the school auditorium. We even had our very own rapper perform an original Purim rap at the masquerade. It was hip hoppin’ fun for everyone.

ImageDuring the festivities, our 1st graders were announced as the winners of the “decorate your door” contest, where each grade had to decorate the door of their classroom. Even Dr. Courtney, our beloved school psychologist had her door decorated in the theme of “Express Your Purim feelings”—how appropriate.

The larger than life Purim characters who greeted guests at the door reminded everyone of that larger than life feeling that you get when students, teachers and staff join together to create the joyous spirit and the unforgettable memories that make the Gesher family a truly cherished one!