FREE CPR Classes being offered by BLINK during the 9 days
In memory of Diane Azrak A”H
Men and Women separate, Ages 18+
Choose ONE:
Sun July 19th, 10AM-12:15 (Men and Women)
Mon July 20th, 10AM-12:15 (Women only)
Tues July 21st, 8PM-10:15 (Men and Women)
Wed July 22nd, 10AM-12:15 (Women only)
Thurs July 23rd, 8PM-10:15 (Men and Women)
ALL CLASSES HELD AT WEST DEAL SHUL: 395 Deal Rd, Ocean Township, NJ 07712
Signup now at BLINKCPR.org/signup
For more information, email blinkcpr@gmail.com or call 718-887-6701
BLINK, A Division of Hatzalah of the Jersey Shore