Home Relationships Fathers Day Tributes In Honor of the Men We Love

Fathers Day Tributes In Honor of the Men We Love

Fathers Day is a wonderful time of the year when we honor the men in our livesour fathers, uncles, brothers and grandfathers, whose pivotal roles we try to emulate. The following heartfelt essays were written by children and adults, with loving sentiment. Each encompasses the important roles our guys play in our lives, and the lifelong impressions and lessons they have imparted. We wish everyone a joyful Fathers Day!

Walk a little slower daddy, said a child so small
Im following in your footsteps and I dont want to fall.

Sometimes your steps are very fast,
Sometimes theyre hard to see;
So walk a little slower Daddy,
For you are leading me.

Someday when Im all grown up,
Youre what I want to be;
Then I will have a little child
Wholl want to follow me.

And I would want to lead just right,
And know that I was true;
So walk a little slower Daddy,
For I must follow you.


Al Azar
The most important thing I learned from my father, Al Azar, and what stands out the most, is how important his name is, and how important it is to treat people with respect. He has such a good nature and such fine middot.

Over the years, no matter where I am or who I see, young, old, male, female, rabbi, friend or even someone behind the counter at a local store, when I am asked who my father isand I tell them Al Azarthey tell me how lucky I am (Baruch Hashem). They always share a story of how he has helped someone over the years, and that I should only know how good he is. Fortunately, I do know I am the luckiest girl on earth. The love, respect and middot that he showed me and continues to show me by example make me the person I am today. Daddy, I Love You! Happy Fathers Day.

Love, Joy

Sammy Rothschild
Dear Dad,

You have taught us so much and we really look up to you! We love you and we wish you a Happy Fathers Day!

Freddie, Solomon, and Norma

Steven Sasson
Dear Dad,

We love you so much! Every day is Daddy Day! We hope we grow up to be the kind of person that you are!

We love you!
Jacqueline, Mimi, Renee, Sarah, and Toby

Sam Cohen

When I think of my dad,
I think of this:
A shed full of tools
and roaring fires.
A scruffy beard,
and a bunch of pliers.
He who hesitates is lost
My father once said.
It was whispered in the night,
as I was tucked into bed.
I dreamt about it that night
and who did I see?
My father of course
because if there is anyone who doesnt hesitate it
is he.
Then he told me
some years ago,
Dont fight fire with fire,
it will only grow.
Marshmallows were toasted
and chocolate was melted.
The fire was warm
due to flames that it wielded.
We sang kumbaya
like strange families do.
And now its time to praise
for we wouldnt be singing it if it wasnt for you.
Happy Fathers Day, Dad,

The Cohen Family
Merle, Sarah, Irving, and Vanessa

Nathan Mann

Where do we begin? For as long as we can remember, youve given us your love, support and understanding. And although we are each getting older, we hope that youll always know that we are here for you too, and that you will always be as important to us now as you ever were and that youre loved so much!

As we see more of this world, the more we know that we are so lucky to have a dad who taught us to trust our instincts, be true to ourselves, and always care for the people who are in the world around us.

Thanks for raising us the way you did! We really love you more than words can express!

Love always,
Shula, Benny and Ezra

Steven Matsas
Dear Daddy,

We love you so much. Thank you for always taking care of us and teaching us lessons so we can be good. Youre very funny and we love you just the way you are. You are the best daddy in the whole world.

Shelly and Ben

Sammy Esquenazi

We love our dad, Sammy Esquenazi, so much! Even though he is a very busy man, he still manages to find the time to laugh and play. Even at times when he is so tired and wants to rest, he will get up and come outside to play baseball or throw the football with all of us, just because one of us asked him.

We know he works so hard traveling all over so that he can give my mom and all of us everything that we need. Our favorite times with him are on Shabbat. We love to go to early Minyan together. We love swimming with him in our pool, playing basketball and just hanging out. We also love family vacations where we get to spend a whole week together. Our dad is so much fun. He loves water sports just like we do!

He teaches us how to solve our problems in a nice way. We can talk to him about anything. Most of all we love our dad for who he is. He is caring, hardworking, funny, modest and a nice man and we are so proud to have him as our dad. We hope to grow up to be just like him.

Morris, Isaac, Joseph and Jacob

Nissim Levy

There is a saying, Daddys Little Girl and I am just that. I am the luckiest girl to have a dad like mine. My mother, my brothers and I are all truly blessed to have him in our lives. There is nothing my dad will not do for his family. Family to him is the most important thing.

Every Friday night and Saturday we gather together. No matter the weather or location, because of him we are tightly knit. The smile on his face is infectious and there is no place that wed rather be. His love for all of us has no limits.

Besides being an amazing father, my dad is an even better grandfather. Just seeing him with his grandchildren is awe-inspiring. He has unconditional love for each and every grandchild. He knows just how to make everything ok all of the time. There is only one Hi Jido (a name coined by his eldest grandchild, Nissim).

You should see the way he takes care of my mom. My dad is the ultimate husband and provider. Anything she needs she gets. It doesnt matter whatever the request. He is always there by her side.

My husband and sisters-in-law are treated as if they are his own children. There is no differentiation in his eyes, they are all equals.

My dad always leads by example. He teaches us how to be better every day and in every way. He is always willing to lend a hand in any way he can. He does whatever it takes to make sure we are all happy and taken care of. He never thinks of himself first, everything is done with the intent of taking care of his wife, children and grandchildren as well as keeping them happy.

My dad is my hero. I am always asking him for advice, and the best way to go about things. He is my personal consultant, he is my teacher, he cheers me up if Im sad and keeps me focused on being the best wife and mom that I can be.

Daddy, you put a smile on my face every day, you mean the world to me. I am the luckiest girl in the world to have you in my life. You are my rock, my balance. I am a strong woman because of what you taught me.

Happy Fathers Day,

Norman Mandel

Dear Dad,

We would like to thank you for all your guidance, strength, wisdom, and love, but most of all for being our dad. To say that you are a great dad would be an understatement. You are always proud of our triumphs and never disappointed in our failures.

You carry the traits of kindness and humility from Grandpa, and continue to exemplify those qualities. The dedication that you continue to show is the true meaning of a parents unconditional love. Although you felt the need to earn our love, we are honored to have earned yours.

We will always cherish the lesson you taught us, There is no such thing as giving too much love. We hope to live up to that lesson with your grandchildren. Happy Fathers Day.

We love you,
Pamela, Michele and Jaclyn

Joey Salama

Joey Salama is a wonderful father. Not only does he cover the basics of providing for his family, he also encourages his children (and wife) to pursue their talents and interests as well as motivating all of us to be the best version of ourselves. He leads by example, by always sticking to his morals and values. We are so lucky to have him in our lives.

From Barbara: “He is so nice. He makes awesome breakfasts and dinners and always helps us out. He is very resourceful, sweet, kind and loving. He works hard for his family.

From Rachel: He is cheerful. He gives me vitamins and he took us on a boat to an art fair!

From Sara: He put us in art class, makes us yummy pancakes and even makes us smoothies. One time Daddy took us to work! Daddy is the best Dad!

From Reece: He gives us hugs and kisses!

We all love you!

Randi Shomer is a mother of four children, a community member, and a freelance writer.