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EFRAT: Bringing Babies Into the World

ImageNaomi was desperate: newly married and on precarious financial ground, she and her husband felt totally incapable of properlycaring for the child she carried. Their social worker agreed with her husband. Abortion was the only choice. She would or could not listen to family members who tried to dissuade her against taking this irrevocable step. Procedures were followed, forms were duly submitted and an abortion was scheduled for a few days later. Then word reached EFRAT.

What is EFRAT? EFRAT was established by Mr. H. Feingenbaum, a Holocaust survivor. After immigrating to Israel after the war, and seeing the few that had survived the Nazi horror, he realized one thing. The way to the continued survival and with G-d’s help, resurgence of the Jewish people, was to increase the numbers of Jews being born. Mr. Feingenbaum’s goal in founding the organization was to increase the birthrate in the Jewish State by preventing unnecessary abortions.

The name EFRAT is a powerful symbol of the mission this lifesaving organization has set for itself in the 31 years since its inception. EFRAT is another name for Miriam, the most famous and heroic midwife in Jewish history. During the bitter Egyptian exile, Miriam assisted her fellow Israelite mothers during the births of their children. At great personal risk, she saved Jewish baby boys whom the wicked Pharaoh had sentenced to death. Miriam knew exactly what would be her fate, were she discovered defying the tyrant. But she was fearless and she continued saving these babies and caring for them.

EFRAT also known as the greatest lifesaving organization in Israel, has saved approximately 30,000 Jewish lives since its founding. Since Dr. Eli Schussheim, senior surgeon in Hadassah and Shaarei Zedek Medical Centers, has been at the helm, EFRAT has seen its caseload triple as word has begun to spread. After speaking to women and hearing their stories, Dr. Schussheim has seen some amazing facts come to light.

Most abortions performed today in the State of Israel are for economic reasons only. The parents are torn to pieces by the conflict. Either they must do away with their own child, or bring a child into the world with the awful fear that they cannot properly care for it.

Dr. Schussheim realized that providing these families with the right aid at the right time would provide the lifeline the parents so desperately needed. And foremost EFRAT gives answers and information. The choices and options are fully explored and explained so that every woman can make an informed decision. EFRAT also assists women in difficult financial straits with financial assistance. Essential baby equipment, a crib, stroller, baby bath, layette and other necessary items are sent. Monthly food packages are delivered for a full 12 months after the baby is born. EFRAT oversees a vast network of trained volunteers. They provide much needed emotional support, so that each woman knows that when she picks up the phone to EFRAT, someone will be there for her.

Their offices are located on a beautiful tree-lined street in Jerusalem. Please feel free to step inside; the door is always open. The first thing you notice when you walk in are the babies—hundreds and hundreds of babies—with chubby knees, dimples, smiles and lovable, kissable cheeks. You will see tiny newborns, tots proudly riding bikes and twins. Further along, you will see another photo, beautiful brown eyes in a small, serious face. He is looking at his arm. He has just donned his phylacteries for the very first time. He too is a link in the gold chain forged between G-d and his People, a boy that was saved by EFRAT.

And yes, Naomi, who we met many words ago, proudly sent us a picture of her son to hang in EFRAT’s unique “Living Art Gallery.” An EFRAT volunteer met with Naomi and her husband. She spoke to them with warmth and understanding. “I was desperate, and I turned to EFRAT for help,” she said. Naomi received financial, emotional and psychological support and guidance. Today she is an EFRAT volunteer, helping other women make the right choice—the Jewish choice. She knows, as does Dr. Schussheim and thousands of other mothers, that never, not even once, in all the years of EFRAT has a mother regretted giving her child the greatest gift of all.

For more information, please call (732) 725-1270 or visit our website: www.efrat.org.il.

You can mail your tax-deductible donation to EFRAT- C.R.I.B., The Committee for the Rescue of Israel’s Babies, 1612 57th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11204.
Rabbi Chagai Goldschmidt is the Executive Vice President of EFRAT, a position he has held for the last 10 years. He is a Councilman for the City of Beit Shemesh, where he lives with his wife and five children.