This is an unprecedented time in history. Never before have we been told to stay in our homes, 24/7; and never before have we stock piled food. However, it’s hard not to buy in bulk when you don’t know when your next delivery will be.
So, now we’re at home, all day and all night, with more food than usual in our cabinets, our kids want snacks (and so do we) and everyone is stressed—this is the perfect storm for gaining weight.
Now is not a good time to start a diet, but you can try to maintain your weight. If you don’t gain weight during this pandemic, you’ll be so happy your clothes still fit when it’s over (and it has to end some time).
If you find that you’re always in the kitchen, thinking about your next meal, eating more than usual or stress eating you’re not alone. Here are some tips you can follow to stop overeating.
One of the benefits of being home during the day is being able to take your time and cook your family healthy meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you’re not sure what to prepare, visit one of dozens of kosher cooking websites, like kosher.com. Look for recipes that focus on protein, fiber, fruits and veggies—and drink plenty of water.
If you and your family drink sugary drinks with your meals, this is a good time to switch to flavored seltzer. If your kids drink lots of fruit juice, look for nutrient dense, fruit juice with no added sugar and added vitamins. Milk is good for children, as well, and unsweetened green tea is an excellent choice for everyone. Of course, if you can get your kids to drink water, encourage them to do so.
Chances are your children want more snacks than usual, because they’re home more than usual. This is another teachable moment. You can explain to them that cookies and chips contain lots of ingredients that are harmful for them—so you’re going to focus on healthy snacks from now on.
Then, the next time you order food, select healthy snacks. (If you don’t have junk food in your home you can’t eat it.) Stock up on yogurt, nuts, low fat cheese sticks, fresh vegetables and fresh fruit. If your children still want chips or cookies, that’s ok. Don’t stress your kids out because you don’t want to overeat. Of course, if you buy baked chips or bake your own cookies (which is a fun activity and you control the fat and sugar) that’s even better.
Remember, these are just tips. You don’t have to change everything at once. And you definitely shouldn’t feel bad if you don’t.
Laura Shammah