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DSN Summer Games Grab the Gold: A Smashing Success on the Jersey Shore

Nestled in our very own backyard, lies a treasure so well hidden that even those in close proximity might never have stumbled upon it. This hidden gem is Monmouth University, a state-of the art facility, and site of the first ever Deal Sephardic Network (DSN) Summer Games.

At the university, there are crisp, emerald green football fields rolling across acres of pristine land, marked only by stark white professional quality lines and a basketball arena worthy of the highest-paid stars, with bleachers rising to the sky. The rows and rows of uniformed players, in every color of the rainbow, were led by black and white clad referees. The panoramic view was truly a feast for the senses—a sight so incredible one really had to take a step back to take it all in.

The Deal Sephardic Network is a youth organization that has revitalized life on the Jersey Shore. Over 1,000 girls and boys, aged 6 to 18, participated in various sporting events throughout the day. There was football, soccer, softball, kickball, and basketball, with each child competing in two age-appropriate events.

Epic in scope, this one-of-a-kind event was truly a competitor’s dream. The breathtaking facilities of Monmouth University elevated the competition and left a lasting impression on all. Karen Mizrahi, an 8th grader and basketball finalist, commented that the players were truly awed by the incredible opportunity to compete. “We couldn’t believe they were able to get Monmouth University; it was all very very cool.” Morris Ades, a 7th grader and football and basketball competitor, attested that the events were very well-organized and was proud to reveal that the teams showed great sportsmanship. “Every single person there had a great time; I felt like a pro playing in that magnificent gym,” he added excitedly.

As the girls and boys scored goals, dunked baskets, and slid into home plate, the adults were competing as well. The excitement was truly palpable as hundreds of spectators cheered on their favorites. Forty-eight seasoned players rivaled for the title in the men’s doubles tennis, while 100 elite athletes competed in the men’s basketball tournament.

One of the highlights of the day that truly exemplified the feeling behind this entire event, was the 5K race that began at Monmouth University’s stately Woodrow Wilson Hall. As the 150 participants prepared to set off, they lounged together in a relaxed, pre-race collegial environment. The sun broke through the threatening clouds moments before start time, as entire families ran, walked, and strolled together. “It is always incredibly moving to see the families in our community represented together in an event,” Chuck Sultan remarked proudly.  “And this is only the beginning; next year our plans are even bigger and better.”

Streets were cordoned off in accordance with township approval, over 35 volunteers were available to assist along the route, and each racer’s time was company certified. Many thanks to Joe Benun, an elite international runner, for his outstanding efforts in coordinating this tremendous feat.

“DSN accomplished its mission of bringing family and friends together, in one arena, for an organized, highly enjoyable, action-packed day for all ages,” said Jeffrey Saka, President of DSN. The attention to detail was extraordinary, from the gourmet lunches from Circa, to the super-cool backpacks, filled with gear and sports essentials, that were presented to each player. The gleaming winner’s trophies at the conclusion of this event made it an unforgettable day.

An event of this magnitude required months of planning and would not have been possible without the amazing efforts and dedication of the spectacular staff of DSN, led by Executive Director Sammy Sitt, along with Program Director Rena Golden and Sports Director David Belhassen. Our community’s high school volunteers, who are being primed for future leadership roles, stepped up to supervise our teams and ensure that each of the athletes were kept hydrated and happy. Hundreds of dedicated parents gave freely of their time in countless roles to make the day a grand success.

DSN would like to extend its greatest appreciation to the directors of Monmouth University, for graciously hosting this event and accommodating their needs so beautifully. A very special thank you to the many generous sponsors, without whom the event would not have been possible. To all the sports coordinators and court captains for the various events, DSN could not have done it without you! DSN has proven once again what every great athlete must believe—what the mind can conceive, it can certainly achieve!

Join us next year. Plans are already in the works for DSN Summer Games 2012!

Tournament Champions
Boys’ Soccer: 3rd/4th Grades
Danny I. Massry, Eric Bouganim, Ivor Braka, Sam Elbaum, David Nigri, Jack Greenberg, Charles Cohen, Ralph Solomon Kassin

Boys’ Football: 3rd/4th Grades
Irwin Sutton, Zacky Cytryn, Martin Cohen, Nathan Matut, Michael Escava, Judah Regev, Jacob Eliahu, Jack Massry

Boys’ Football: 7th/8th Grades
Albert Sitt, Ralph Chattah, Evan Plaut, Michael Levy, Sammy Ashkanazi, Zach Kassin, Isaac Smouha, Nathan Ades

Boys’ Basketball: 9th/10th Grades
Abe Shayo, Saul Ancona, Victor Cohen, Saul Esses, Allie Haber, Benjamin Nechmad, Sammy Zalta,

Boys’ Football: 9th/10th Grades
Elliot Saka, Charles Saka, Ikey Salem, Joey Sayegh, Solomon Sasson, Harry Esses, Yosef Safdieh, and Teddy Ashkanazi

Girls Soccer: 3rd/4th Grades
Yvonne Mizrahi, Alana Gindi, Michelle Saka, Sara Saka, Sarah Levy, Lillie Galapo, Cerise Rishty, Sharon Tawil

Girls Softball: 5th/6th Grades
Ellen Hakim, Judy Sitt, Linda Sasson, Stella Gindi, Marcelle Sasson, Sari Ashkenazi, Melanie Ades, Lauren Araman, Claudette Greenstein, Danielle Edery, Mollie Turner, Alexis Sultan, Sonia Cohen

Girls Basketball: 5th/6th Grades
Ellen Hakim, Judy Sitt, Linda Sasson, Stella Gindi, Marcelle Sasson, Sari Ashkanazi, Melanie Ades

Girls Softball: 7th/8th Grades
Lee Ann Cohen, Jani Greenberg, Rebecca Sasson, Victoria Gindi, Germaine Menahem, Celia Cohen, Merlene Dayan, Tunie Mizrachi, Pearl Hanono, Sari Kassin, Marilyn Setton, Shira Schacter, Sylvia Franco

Men’s Tennis
Sammy J. Sutton, Elliot Hirsch

5K Race
• Men’s: Jerry Nasar  • Women’s: Sophia Barnathan

Fastest Combined Couple
Monique and Eli Benunq