Home Community News DSN Summer Games 2013

DSN Summer Games 2013

DSN did it again! On a gorgeous Sunday, towards the end of the summer, over 400 boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 18 participated in the DSN Summer Games Tournaments. Using 12 full-size basketball courts in our community, plus the main basketball court and two soccer fields at the home of Michelle and Maurice Zekaria, the players could not have asked for a better tournament.

There were basketball tournaments for 6th through 12th grade girls and 4th through 12th grade boys and a soccer tournament for 3rd through 5th grade girls. Children were given special team shirts. They were placed on teams with volunteer court captains and participated in a fun-filled day of games, snacks, lunch, entertainment, swimming and a fantastic barbecue dinner. The games started at 9 am and lasted all day. The final games were played on our main court and fields at the Zekaria home, bringing all the youth of the community together.

There were 3 point shooting contests for all participants and a slam-dunk contest that had the kids’ energy soaring! Participants were able to swim and play while waiting for their turn in the tournament. The young ones enjoyed face painting by Suzi Cohen.

Hundreds of people watched the games from the bleachers, while the professional referees and announcers maintained the focus of the competition. The day was nothing short of a great success, creating lasting memories and an invigorating community spirit.

Thank you to all of our families who contributed their courts as well as DSN’s large group of volunteers who are the driving spirit behind our continued success!