Home Health and Medical Daily Aerobic Activity is a Must!

Daily Aerobic Activity is a Must!

ImageRegular aerobic activity should be part of everyone’s daily routine. It strengthens the heart and lungs and makes them work more efficiently. Aerobic activity can include running, walking, stair climbing, dancing, swimming, or any number of other activities that get the heart working harder for a continuous period of time.

Many people may feel that they need to have a regimented workout program and if they do not have at least 30 minutes to an hour to exercise, they can’t do it. This simply is not true. In fact, this type of mentality hinders their progress and keeps them from getting into shape with regular excercise.

Short bursts of aerobic activity can be fit in througout the day. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or take a brisk walk around the building at lunchtime. Ride a bike or walk to work if it’s within a reasonable distance, or park further away to get a short walk in.

There are many benefits of aerobic activity. Everyone of all ages should be encouraged to engage in regular excercise. Even if there are chronic health conditions present, regular aerobic activity can be tailored to fit individual needs. A health care provider should be consulted before beginning any type of exercise program and if excessive shortness of breath or chest pain is present, the activity should be stopped immediately.

Starting out at a slower pace is recommended for all beginners, until some endurance is built up. This will happen over time with regular aerobic activity.

I’m a firm believer in core training. It not only gets your heart rate up, it works your muscles and conditions your body for everyday functions and sports. Core training is usually done without machines. Use of medicine balls, balancing balls, stability balls, light weghts, bands and bars are just some of the tools that can be used in core weight training.

Many athletes use this method to stay strong, lean and conditioned for the sport they’re playing. Also, there is less chance of injury and it is easier on the joints, since this type of training usually utilizes a lot of body weight movements or lighter weights.

Regular aerobic activity should put the heart in the “cardio target zone,” which is computed by subtracting your age from 220. This number is then multiplied by 85%. The result is the maximum rate at which the heart should be beating during aerobic activity. Beginners should only workout at 70-75% of their target heart rate until their bodies become more accustomed to higher aerobic activity levels. It’s good to start out slow and gradually increase aerobic activity. Try starting with just a walk around the block. Any amount of aerobic activity is better than nothing. So get moving! No excuses!
Michael Cohen has been in the fitness industry for over 30 years. He associates with fitness experts, and consults with them on a daily basis.