Home Community News Cupcake Wars: A Community Unity Event

Cupcake Wars: A Community Unity Event

Yeshivah of Flatbushs winning entryWhat began as a vision became a reality as six of our community schools united and participated in the Cupcake Wars. Each school felt tremendous pride, as they prepared for this unique and incredible event. The afternoon was filled with enthusiastic supporters, cheering on their respective schools, as our communitys best bakers competed, displaying creativity at its highest level.

The Cupcake Wars was a dream that brought six schools together. Magen David Yeshivah PTA presidents Lisa Elo and Linda Sasson took an idea, developed it and most importantly, the event solidified each PTA, encompassing the meaning of unity, bringing each school together in a special way.

Nearly 400 women worked side by side as parents from Barkai Yeshivah, Hillel Yeshiva, Magen David Yeshivah, Yeshivah of Flatbush, YDE, and Yeshivat Shaare Torah watched. Each school entered a team of its best bakers to compete in making the most original, beautiful and delicious cupcakes. Each team was given a holiday theme in advance, as they portrayed all of their talents baking the most delectable and artistically themed cupcakes imaginable.

As the contestants were hard at work on their cupcakes, the ladies were treated to a delicious lunch prepared by Nicole Abady from A Kosher Affair, and they were able to view the beautifully displayed Chinese Auction. The event gathered many women from the community, giving them the opportunity to catch up with friends from other schools in the process. Emcees Gail Cohen Mizrahi, Lynda Levy and Linda Sasson livened up the competition with their wit and humor. The event even drew the baking club from Magen David Yeshivah High School, who witnessed professionals in action!

The bakers were timed while they prepared their desserts. Each team was asked to bake a minimum of three cupcakes, one for each of the judges. The entries were judged for their taste, representation of the theme, and for their plating/appearance and design. The amount of originality used by the contestants was outstanding!

As the competition drew to a close, the judges chanted, It is time to eat cupcakeslet the competition begin! The competition was judged by Claudia Bildirici, creator of Lottie Biscotti and baker extraordinaire; Marlene Mamiye, founder of Thejewishhostess.com; and Katy Zanville, assistant manager of Sprinkles Cupcake New York. The decision to pick the winner was not an easy one. As the entries were  presented, the judges tasted each and debated on the winner.

The team with the most points was the Yeshivah of Flatbush. Their beautiful array of apple cinnamon cupcakes drizzled with honey, coupled with vanilla ice cream, truly captured the essence of their holiday, Rosh Hashanah. Nestled on a wood tray and surrounded by the colors of fall, they captured the fundamental nature of the holiday and of its season. Congratulations to the winners Jamie Bailey, Sarah Dweck and Jennifer Terzi.

Even though YOF was chosen, each school was a winner. Magen David Yeshivah presented a display spotlighting Hanukah with a silver menorah and dreidels atop their cupcake, and mini jelly donuts. Beautifully presented on a pedestal; Barkai Yeshivah presented a crowned cupcake, edible Torah and mask in honor of Purim. Yeshivah YDE created a beautiful Torah surrounded by children with a hidden cupcake within the Torah in honor of Simchat Torah. Shaare Torah created a date cupcake with a meringue topping, a candy etrog presented in honor of Sukkot. Lastly, Hillel Yeshivah replicated a seder plate in honor of Passover with a cupcake in the center, mini macaroons and haroset.

Thank you to all the participants; you were superb. Esther Barnathan, Esther Chrem and Sarine Segal from MDY; Margalit Dweck, Melissa Soffer and Susie Sorscher from Barkai; Alexis Cohen and Sari Rishty from Hillel; Frieda Cohen, Fortune Farca, and Fortune Nakash from YDE; and Sharon Haber, Tunie Mizrahi, and Mary Sutton from Shaare Torah.

The Cupcake Wars would not have been possible without the Sephardic Community Center, which graciously hosted the event. Thank you to the entire Cupcake War committee for your hard work and dedicatio. Many thanks to Louis and his staff from Avenue J Florist; to Mark Greenberg, who took photographs, capturing the pure beauty and essence of the competition; the Ink Shop, who produced a spectacular playbill; the World of Chantilly for their delicious cupcakes; to our excellent emcees and judges, who gave of their time; to the gracious and generous sponsors; and finally to the PTA presidents and the countless volunteers who constantly give of themselves without giving it a second thought.

I am looking forward to next years competition!
Randi Shomer is a mother of four children, a community member, and a freelance writer.