Home Education Congregation Kol Israel’s Youth Enjoy Hanukah

Congregation Kol Israel’s Youth Enjoy Hanukah

ImageHanukah is always a festive and joyful time of the year, a time spent enjoying each night with family and friends. With that in mind, the youth of Congregation Kol Israel held its annual Hanukah celebration with an enjoyable Bingo Night and Chinese Auction followed by ice-skating the next morning.

Over 100 of Kol Israel’s youth came together for an upbeat bingo night and mini Chinese Auction. The night was organized solely by Andrea and Jack Sabin, who wholeheartedly handle this event every year. As the children enjoyed pizza and bingo, the calling of the Chinese Auction was greatly anticipated.

ImageThe winners: Jacob Silvera won an iPOD Touch, Lynn Menasche won a Wii and a camera, Arielle Elman won Guitar Hero, Molly Haber won the girls’ package, Daniel Beyda won an iPOD Nano, Joseph Habert won a PSP, and Grace Khezrie won a Nintendo DS.

The following morning over 200 members gathered at the Aviator Ice skating rink for a fun and relaxing morning. With the rink to themselves, everyone had a splendid time with a wonderful family-like atmosphere. The morning was graciously sponsored by Eli Matalon, Ezra Saff and Robert Lubin.

Under the guidance of youth minyan leaders Rabbi Besser and Rabbi Berk, Kol Israel’s youth has grown considerably over the last few years. With an overwhelming commitment and hard work from many members of the congregation and Rabbi Harari, Kol Israel has become a close-knit group. Thanks to the hard work of many members of the congregation, the events were a smashing success!
Randi Shomer is a community member, mother of four children and a freelance writer for IMAGE Magazine.