Home Community News 2013 Kings County District Attorney Citation of Honor Presented to Students

2013 Kings County District Attorney Citation of Honor Presented to Students

Held annually for the past 23 years, the Kings County District Attorney Charles J. Hynes Citation of Honor is presented to Brooklyn students of merit. To qualify, these students must exhibit qualities of outstanding leadership, character and service in promoting progress through justice within their schools and communities.

This year two community students more than met the requirements. Presented their awards by the District Attorney, Charles J. Hynes himself, were Netanel Nemet and Maurice Salame, both graduating 8th graders at Gesher Yehuda Yeshiva.

Netanel Nemet was cited for his initiative as an organizer of students within the school community. His compassionate sense of fairness with younger children and classmates enabled his recommendation. A respectful demeanor and exercise of good judgment with both peers and staff helped him earn the award.

β€œI was so surprised to be nominated,” he exclaimed. He was equally excited to thank all those who chose him.

Maurice Salame, true to his polite nature, said, β€œit was a privilege to be recommended.” His musical talent channeled towards arranging school programs has long won him easy recognition as a conscientious and diligent student. While he is motivated to achieve, the kindhearted loyalty he exhibits on a daily basis easily gains the trust of friends and anyone in need.

With pride, the administration and staff of Gesher Yehuda Yeshiva wish to congratulate these senior class members and their families. Along with the other graduates we will miss your charm and exuberance in the school. As you go on to high school we are sure you will succeed in whatever it is you choose to put your hearts and souls into.

The inspiring ceremony was held at Walt Whitman Hall, Brooklyn College.