From far off in the distance a bright summer sun wrestled with dark and threatening storm clouds. Just a few miles west, at the home of Michelle and Jack Haddad, the Center’s annual fashion show was about to begin, its benefits going to support women’s programming at the Center.
As approximately 800 fashion-forward patrons poured onto the grounds, the overcast sky gave way to a sunny celebration.
This was no ordinary fashion show. Runway Beach 2018 was a day on which our community’s most progressive and positive women gathered to celebrate the event’s theme—unity. More than fashion threads, there was a celebration of lasting moral fabric with help from adult and child models and dancers.
Months of selfless devotion on the part of Center volunteers and committee members culminated in a colorful, memorable and critically-acclaimed event that allowed women of all ages to kick back and rejoice.
Our scheduled show opening, The Dance Crew, led by our very own Paula Tawil, set the stage, for a very exciting afternoon, filled with locally grown talent.
Our gorgeous young models of all ages didn’t just walk down the runway, they owned it.
The featured fashions included magnificent gowns, cruise wear and the latest fall fashions—all created by our wonderfully talented community and NYC-based vendors and stylists.
Our vendors couldn’t have been happier to pitch in, either. From Ouri Salads to Fruits by Pescha, and Ricky Esses DJ, their efforts were set to a backdrop of a beautiful blue sky at the home of our most gracious hosts, Michelle and Jack Haddad.