Incorporating planning skills seamlessly into the curriculum provides the knowledge, tools and options for students to make informed decisions about their career paths. Beth Goldberg, Director of Career Discovery and a seasoned professional, leads Career Discovery with a three-pronged approach for every student to reach his or her goal:
• Support specific talents and skills
• Goal setting and time management
• Career options
Ms. Goldberg’s team has developed a variety of programs and methods to make these options apparent. Tenth grade students recently participated in Family Feud. Through this program, students were encouraged to consider different professions, the most popular majors in college and the most successful employment opportunities – connecting their coursework, skills and desires to devise and prepare a career plan for their future.
Starting in the 8th grade, Ms. Goldberg’s group created “Soup Day”—preparing and packaging soup for the needy and homeless. As Mrs. Goldberg describes, “It was hesed, but with a twist.” The students were keenly aware of mapping out a plan, finding the appropriate ingredients, following directions and packaging the soup. As one advisor commented, “It was a metaphor for each student’s career trajectory.”
All the students participated in creating a career cookbook by interviewing a variety of professionals. Over 400 pages, the spiral-bound notebook provides every student with an ensemble of practical career choices featuring honest interviews from hundreds of community members.
Career Discovery breakfast for 9th graders was a spin-off from speed dating. With 16 round tables and 160 students, each table had a professional who discussed his or her chosen profession. The students would have 10 minutes to interview each professional and then move to the next table to interview the next candidate. These programs provide hands-on information to students to facilitate their career route.
After these programs, the students meet with counselors to discuss their impressions. This feedback provides each advisor with information to tailor each student’s curriculum. Together, Career Discovery and an advanced academic curriculum are benefiting students’ futures by providing them with valuable knowledge to make informed decisions. With over 95% of Magen David Yeshivah High School graduates attending colleges, many with chosen majors and professions, MDY is providing opportunity and excellence for each and every student.