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Bridge Linx The Community Resource For Pediatric Therapy & Support

Bridge Linx is a community organization that caters to school aged children—two and up—who attend mainstream community schools and need extra help in specific areas of development.

Bridge Linx Therapy Center offers speech and occupational therapy in a state-of-the-art facility.

Our mission is to service children with specific challenges including OT, PT, speech, social and behavior therapy in all schools in our community. We assist mainstream children so that they will receive the support they need to succeed and thrive in their every day lives and activities.

Bridge Linx is unique in its non- profit therapy model offering scholarships for those in need.

Our experienced professional team offers a high quality individualized therapy program, both during the school year and throughout the summer.

A Parent’s Point of View

Before getting connected to Bridge Linx, I wanted to avoid my son’s parent/teacher conferences. It didn’t matter that there were new teachers every year, the message was always the same. They told me, “Sammy is a bright boy, but he struggles in class. He appears to listen, but when asked to respond to a question, his answers are incorrect and his notes are disorganized or in disarray.”

Sammy was leaving out important information and therefore, not performing well on tests. I remember turning to my husband with a flow of tears streaming down my face, and asking, “What are we doing wrong? No amount of studying seems to help our son.”

I saw the disappointment in Sammy’s eyes every time he came home with a bad grade. When he would cry in frustration, I sometimes cried with him. Bridge Linx was able to give him the proper support that he so desperately needed.

After the first phone call with Bridge Linx, I was put at ease. They immediately set up a meeting to have Sammy evaluated. The Bridge team of therapists sent me to an audiologist to get further information. Finally, we had a diagnosis. My son had difficulty with auditory processing. Within a few short weeks, he was able to implement the strategies taught to him by his speech therapist to actively listen. He showed a major improvement in his notes. In therapy, they worked on following directions, responding to questions, listening and retelling stories. I can’t begin to tell you what a difference it has made. I will never forget the day Sammy came home with the highest grade on his test! Tears, once again filled my eyes. This time they were tears of happiness and joy. My son was on his way to academic success!

Partnering with Bridge Linx The Teacher’s Point of View

As a teacher of mainstream classes, students present many different challenges in the classroom. As an instructor, taking into account the number of students I teach, and my limited resources, I do my best to help each child do his or her best. That has its own challenges. Partnering with Bridge Linx Therapy Center has made a tremendous difference in my ability to help. Bridge Linx evaluates the students to assess the source of their issues. They then make recommendations that I can immediately implement in the classroom. I have seen amazing results from the therapy they have recommended. Most of all, I feel empowered, having a resource of professionals to turn to for help and advice.

A Therapist’s Point of View

Working as an occupational therapist for Bridge Linx in our community school and at the center, it is so gratifying and inspiring to see the progress and growth coming from our students. It is clear that there is a team approach, which includes input from the teachers, speech therapists, OTs and PTs. Creating and implementing goals makes a real impact on the students. The quality of the therapists and the treatment delivery model truly help create a well-rounded student.

Bridge Linx
We’re Here For Your Community

We provide speech, occupational and physical therapy, as well as social behavior therapy. Listed below are examples of some specific goals that each therapy targets.
• Auditory processing
• Expressive language
• Articulation
• Following directions
• Listening comprehension skills
• Language skills
Occupational Therapy
• Sensory integration
• Fine motor strengthening
• Motor coordination
• Hand-eye coordination
• Core strengthening
• Body awareness
Physical Therapy
• Gross motor coordination
• Body muscle strengthening
• Balance and coordination
• Motor Planning
Social Work
• Positive self image
• Communication skills, emotional regulation, executive function skills
At Bridge Linx, we believe in the potential of every child. Please help us help them realize their dreams.

Please call our office to see how Bridge Linx can help you, at. (732) 493-3670