Home Community News Bonei Olam, Celebration of Life

Bonei Olam, Celebration of Life

On Thursday August 15th, Edmond and Terri Harary graciously hosted the annual “Sephardic Division of Bonei Olam” benefit, at their home in Deal, NJ. Hundreds of community members came out to support this worldwide organization, that assists with funding for all aspects of infertility related treatments, for couples whose lives are at the moment childless. The evening was dedicated L’uliyNeshma Yosef Ben Latife, Joseph V. Harary.

It was a truly magnificent and successful event, which was inspirational, constructive,and exciting as well. The crowd of hundreds of guests, including both new friends and old longstanding supporters of BoneiOlam were treated by “Pella Singers”, a harmony group, with some delightful music. Mingling at the wine tasting station and over at the massive display of gourmet dishes created by the Zami brothers, people were relaxing and discovering a little bit about what Bonei Olam has been up to lately.

Starting off the night was our very own Rabbi Joey Haber. He first enlightened the crowd by explaining what Bonei Olam has done for World Jewry, and what it has accomplished through its many different locations, 7 in total, all over the globe. With the Grand total of 4270 babies born through the generosity of the groups’ work to date.

He then asked the crowd to imagine if only for a moment, what it might be like to not be able to rejoice in their child’s successes. Or to be not able to enjoy hearing the sounds of a child at play, laughing and crying in their very own home. He asked the crowd to think about that, and if G-d Forbid, what it would feel like. It clearly many hearts as there were not too many dry eyes around moments later. Rabbi Joey lamented on the importance of ensuring that every couple, no matter of their background or financial state, should be able to have a child of their own, and level in the enjoyment that it brings.

Our very own community members have had the good fortune of benefiting from the support and services that are so desperately needed by many who are struggling with the crisis of infertility. One in six couples globally struggle with this medical issue

Rabbi ShlomoBochner, the founder and director of BoneiOlam, was next to present.The Rabbi explained how being a childless parent himself has driven him to create an organization that would eradicate such pain for couples all over the world. The impact of both the Rabbis’ words echoed throughout the night, as the crowd generously pledged to support this great cause and its effect in our community.

A dynamic display of artistic and renowned photography, was put together by two of our communities’ finest family portrait photographers: SusanMenashe Photography and Celia Haddad Photography. Terri’s mom, the famous Susan Menashe, displayed a fabulous selection of baby photos from her 28 years of work in our community. She included a lovely group of seniors with their grandchildren, which is something she portrays so well! Celia collected some of her most magnificent newborn portraits which she is so popular for. Her collection of pictures created a true expression of the first glimpse of life. The collections of both Artists created the atmosphere that was appropriate for this event and was truly touching and beautiful.

BoneiOlam would like to thank our hosts and all those that came together to support this great cause. Big thanks to Samantha Harary for her continued involvement and for generously donating so much time and talent to form this lovely party. Konstantinos floral design as always displayed their talent magnificently. Big thanks for all those beautiful flowers! This entire event was captured by photographer Arlene Mizrahi, who donated her time and expertise to make this an evening to remember.

This event was made possible in part by the generous efforts of the Sephardic Division of Beonei Olam committee: Jack & Margo Adjmi, Joe& Renee Bijou, Isaac & Carol Chera, Eli & Rena Cohen, Shella & Toby Cohen, Ikey& Lisa Escava, Harry & Sandy Esses, Mark & Danielle Gindi, Abraham & Sarah Hanan, Joey & Luisa Hanan, Salomon & Sarah Harari, Bobby & Samantha Harary, Bobby & Sherri Kassin, Joe & Raquel Mansour, Danny & Shelly Massry, Sammy & Linda Matalon, David & Rochelle Rudy, Lenny & Brook Salama, Steven & Valerie Stein,  Adam & Gloria Sutton, Jimmy & Arlene Shalom.

Additionally, Ms. Sheryl Betesh played a vital role in the preparations and coordination of this wonderful function. Her assistance is greatly valued by the Bonei Olam family.

BoneiOlam is looking forward in celebrating life again with you all in the future!

Tizku Le Mitvot!

The Bonei Olam Team

For more information about Bonei Olam, please feel comfortable to contact Yoel, Director of Development to be involved with upcoming projects for Bonei Olam atycs@boneiolam.org