Home Health and Medical Boil-and-Bite Snoring Appliances Do they work?

Boil-and-Bite Snoring Appliances Do they work?

Its so tempting. Youre looking for an inexpensive remedy that will eliminate snoring. The on-line ads are so convincing, The #1 snoring solution in the world. Dont be fooled by imitators! If your maximum budget is $59 this may be for you. In fact. many of the on-line companies offer buy oneget one free. So how do these compare to the custom appliances that are made by specially trained dentists who are members of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine?

Since all of the over-the-counter appliances are boil-and-bite they often fit no better than a bulky sports guard that you can buy from the sporting goods store. All mouths need to fit into the one-size-fits-all shape that they are selling. How else can they make money if they are selling you two SnoreGuards or PureSleeps for $59?

In contrast, an appliance made by a sleep medicine trained dentist is precision fit to your mouth. The appliance is titrated to maximize your breathing effectiveness. We do this by using a computerized airway measuring device called a pharyngometer to determine how to adjust the appliance. This may take a few visits since we want to make sure the patient is comfortable and at the same time we want to improve their oxygen intake and eliminate their snoring.

Will the boil-and-bite appliance stop you from snoring? The answer is maybe. They can be effective in eliminating snoring in many cases. The big question is will you actually wear the appliance if it is very uncomfortable? If you wear it and you know you dont have sleep apnea it may be worth the $59.

Can the boil-and-bite appliances be used to treat sleep apnea?  The manufacturer will clearly tell you that if you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea these appliances are not for you! In fact, when you want to purchase one online you must verify that you do not have sleep apnea. They are worried. They dont want a lawsuit because their devices are not made for sleep apnea.

A custom appliance made by a specially trained sleep medicine dentist is designed to treat sleep apnea. This is possible because we measure the improvement in your airway while we fit and adjust the appliance and then finally we send you home with a simple to wear wrist band that measures the improvement in your sleep apnea. This is not possible with anything you buy on the Internet. This needs special training and the right technology.

According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology, 45% of normal adults snore occasionally and 25% snore every night. Most snoring is caused by the muscles in the mouth, tongue, and throat relaxing to the point that they vibrate against each other and partially block the flow of air during sleep.

Snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea, a serious condition in which the obstruction is so complete that the snorer quits breathing for seconds at a time. If you snore you may not know it but you may have sleep apnea which means that not only do you make noise but you actually stop breathing up to hundreds of times each night. If you snore you should have an overnight sleep study. You can do this in the comfort of your own bed. If you snore, you owe it to yourself and to your family to find out.