Home Education Bet Yosef Learning Program

Bet Yosef Learning Program

In recent years our community has been blessed with a resurgence of serious Torah study. This is apparent by the multitude of classes and shiurim that are available at synagogues and batei midrash throughout our community.

This past year Torah learning in our community was taken to new heights. In August 2009 with the initiative of Rabbi Ely Matalon and the guidance of Hacham Shimon Alouf a new and exciting learning program was offered to the community. Over 30 community members committed to join and the “Bet Yosef Yomi Program” was born. The participants attended daily shiurim in one of three synagogues in the community. They studied the Sefer Tur Bet Yosef in accordance with the authentic Sephardic tradition. The objective of the program was to reclaim our centuries old tradition of intensive study of halacha.

The commitment the students showed, attending shiurim every morning or every night was phenomenal. The shiur at Congregation Bnei Yishak was taught each morning by Rabbi Harold Sutton and attended by a group of serious young men. The shiur at Congregation Beth Torah each morning was given by Rabbi Ely Matalon and attended by a broad range of dedicated students.

The shiur at Congregation Ahava Ve Ahva was taught by Rabbi Yaakob Savdie at nights and attended by motivated young men and adults. Taking advantage of modern technology, this shiur was also held as a videoconference through “Oovoo.” This enabled students at Yeshiva University and community members from Deal to attend the shiurim virtually. The shiurim were also recorded and sent out on a daily basis. A website will soon be online with an archive of all of the shiurim. Stay Tuned!

The holy and awesome sefer “Bet Yosef” is an encyclopedic work authored by Rabbi Yosef Caro A”H, author of the Shulchan Arukh. Rabbi Caro, also known simply as “Maran” (our teacher), compiled this text upon a deep analysis of the Sefer Arba’a Turim, authored by Rabbenu Yaakob the son of Rabbenu Asher (better known as The Rosh). In his analysis, Rabbi Caro used over 25 sources (listed in his introduction) to determine the final halacha. A thorough study of the Bet Yosef is considered essential to the basic knowledge of practical halacha for all Jewry.

Each of the students who attended the program gained a tremendous wealth of halachic knowledge and an understanding of how our halacha is developed. The program began with the laws of Birchot Hashahar (morning blessings), continuing onto the laws of the Shahrit prayers, Keriat Shema, and the Amidah. In all, over 80 chapters were covered (chapters 46 – 127). In addition, some sites held a weekly review on Shabbat, review of the Shulhan Aruch, and classes on today’s practical halacha on relevant topics from the book Halacha Berura, authored by Rabbi David Yosef, son of Maran Hacham Ovadia Yosef Shlit”a. Community members who attended only some of the shiurim gained tremendously as well.

The students were privileged to have a shiur kelalli (group class) by Hacham Shimon Alouf in December 2009 on the laws of bowing in “Kaddish,” and hope to expand these lectures into monthly events.

After the tremendous success of this year’s fledgling program, the rabbis and students are enthusiastic and thrilled to continue in 5771 Be’ezrat Hashem. The program is once again offered to all community members and is designed to enable one to attend the shiurimregardless of their schedules (as the classes are held at different times of the day and available through videoconference and audio recordings).

Going forward, we will be continuing onto the laws of Bircat Kohanim, Minha, Arbit and Berachot following the organization of this multivolume text.

Don’t miss out on this tremendous opportunity! Join us! For those interested in attending please contact one of the rabbis:

Rabbi Ely Matalon
Rabbi Yaakob Savdie
Rabbi Harold Sutton

Schedule of Classes:
Rabbi Ely Matalon
Congregation Beth Torah
Mon – Fri, 6-7 am
Shabbat review of previous week
Sunday 9-10 am
Practical Halakha

Rabbi Yaakob Savdie
Congregation Ahavah Ve Ahva
Mon – Thurs, 8-9 pm
Sunday 9-10 am, Monday 9-10 pm
Practical Halakha

Rabbi Harold Sutton
Congregation Bnei Yishak
Mon – Fri, 6:15-7 am
Sunday 8-9 am
Shulhan Arukh