Home Community News Barkai Yeshivah's 1st Annual Top Bun Bake Off

Barkai Yeshivah's 1st Annual Top Bun Bake Off


Nava Beyda, Barbara Beyda, Sharon Dweck and Shirley Catton

Some of our community’s best chefs went all out to claim the honor of “Top Bun” on Tuesday, November 6th, at Barkai Yeshivah’s 1st annual Top Bun bake off. It was an innovative, refreshing and delectable evening.


The 1st place winners and main dish: Claudia Bildiricci, Nina Cohen and Susan Menashe

3rd place and dessert winners: Marjorie Hamoui, Sarah Zamir, Joyce Ashkenazie and Cynthia Ashkenazie

The concept was first introduced by Barkai Yeshivah’s board member Albert Dweck this past spring, and quickly grew throughout the close-knit Barkai family. The end result was a huge success. Each group of bakers presented a mazza dish, a dish to be served over rice, a main course and a dessert. Expert judges from within the community went around taste testing. Prizes were awarded per category and to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place overall winners.


2nd place and ‘goes with rice’ winners: Grandma Salama and her crew

Linda and Mimi Levy

Guests were treated to a wide array of appetizing Syrian cuisine and mouthwatering desserts. As the judges taste tested, the crowd socialized, enjoying wine tasting and a beautiful Chinese Auction.

And the winners were, in the mazza category: Eli Esses and Yardana Esses for their kibbe and potato dish. For the “goes with rice” category, Grandma Salama and crew won for their keftes with tomato dish. For the main dish category, chicken with eggplant: Claudia Bildiricci, Nina Cohen and Susan Menashe. For the dessert category: Marjorie Hamoui, Sarah Tamir, Joyce Ashkenazie and Cynthia Ashkenazie. The 3rd place overall winners were: Marjorie Hamoui, Sarah Tamir, Joyce Ashkenazie and Cynthia Ashkenazie. Second place was Grandma Salama and her crew, and 1st place was Claudia Bildiricci, Nina Cohen and Susan Menashe. Each winner received a beautiful trophy and various prizes, with the 1st place winners awarded a $1,000 gift certificate to The Yellow Door.

The evening would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of the Barkai PTA, Norma Cohen, Michael Hidary and Jack Dweck. Barkai Yeshivah would like to thank its many sponsors for the evening.

Many outstanding cooks will have the opportunity to enter next year’s 2nd annual event, so get your recipes and appetites ready!


Raquel and Gaby Habert

Volunteers: Barbara M. Franco, Barbara J. Franco and Juile Soffer


Mazza winners: Eli Esses and Yardana Esses

Florence Dweck, Miriam Senior and Florence Shamah

Randi Shomer is a community member, mother of four children, and a freelance writer for IMAGE Magazine.