Home Education Assemblyman Cymbrowitz Speaks at International Conference on the Spread of Nazism

Assemblyman Cymbrowitz Speaks at International Conference on the Spread of Nazism

With anti-Semitic incidents continuing to occur in Brooklyn, as well as throughout the world, Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz, a second generation Holocaust survivor, told members of parliaments, government ministers, elected officials and representatives of international human rights organizations, at the World Without Nazisms Global Conference that if we ever hope to stem the rising trend of anti-Semitic hate crimes, we must educate our young people.

Regrettably, anti-Semitism is not just part of our history, but a horrifying reality that continues to headline our news. We are seeing an alarming escalation in the number of anti-Semitic incidents, hate crimes and events taking place throughout Europe, Canada and the United States, Cymbrowitz warned.

He also referred to the recent swastika incidents that occurred in Brooklyn, including the spray painting of several trees at Floyd Bennett Field. Seeing these acts of hatred, still being perpetuated today underscores the growing, urgent need to disseminate knowledge to the younger generation, to educate them on the reality of what can materialize from the evils of intolerance and prejudice.

While teaching about the Holocaust is a required part of the New York State curriculum, Cymbrowitz wrote Chancellor Walcott earlier this month imploring him to expeditiously implement a program that fosters age appropriate discussions on the meaning of a swastika during social studies lessons.

He continued, Our mission is not an easy one, but a task I speak of with great urgency, on behalf of over six million precious lives, needlessly lost and forever silenced. In honor of their memory and sacrifice we cannot rest until we eradicate fear, hatred, prejudice and ignorance globally. We have to encourage the various nations that comprise our world to come together in unity and solidarity to teach and promote the acceptance of religious freedoms and an individuals right to civil liberty, without fear of persecution or intolerance.

Time is at hand; we can not sit idly by and bear witness, to the atrocities that are still occurring because to say and do nothing is not a viable option. The antidote to ignorance is knowledge. Education used correctly is a powerful tool. That is why a conference such as this is so significant and relevant. It sends a distinctive message to the worldwe will never forget our worlds true history and it is our duty to ensure that its all too important lessons are continued to be shared with future generations for years to come, he concluded.