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Around The Town

Around The Town-01OHEL’s Legislative Breakfast

Over 100 community leaders applauded city and state legislative leaders and elected officials who were honored for their dedication at OHEL’s Children’s Home and Family Services Inaugural Legislative Breakfast. David Mandel, CEO of OHEL, presented Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito with OHEL’s Appreciation Award, saying, “We expect leaders to lead, but what is so special about Speaker Mark-Viverito, is that she leads with compassion.” “OHEL truly serves the entire community,” said Speaker Mark-Viverito. “We, in the City Council, look forward to partnering with OHEL as it serves thousands of people every day.”

The OHEL Public Service Award was presented to NY State Senate Majority Co-Leader, Senator Jeff Klein. “This is special to me because I know the organization does tremendous work,” he said after accepting the award. “The people who are involved in this organization do G-d’s work. Over the years, you’ve provided a voice to the voiceless and a beacon of light for those who have experienced personal darkness.”
Councilman David Greenfield said, “The amazing thing about OHEL is that they serve folks around the city and they do it with dignity, professionalism and incredible respect.”

Around The Town-02“The work OHEL does for kids with special needs doesn’t go unnoticed for men like myself and the legislative leaders,” said Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adam, promising to support the organization. NY State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver received OHEL’s Leadership Award. “NYS Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver’s vital support has enabled us to serve thousands of people in crisis, expand our metal health services, our base of important volunteers, our addiction treatment services and OHEL’s Camp Kaylie,” said David Mandel. “I’ve been blessed to be involved with OHEL for many years. The range of services, the professionalism and the loving care provided by this agency is just astounding,” said Speaker Silver. “With the leadership of Moishe Helman, Mel Zachter and David Mandel, we have leadership that is as good as it gets,” Mr. Silver added. Also in attendance were State Senator Simcha Felder and Assemblywoman Rhoda Jacobs.  Since 1969, OHEL has been helping people of all ages surmount disability, everyday challenges, heal from trauma, and manage with strength and dignity during times of crises.

The 61st Precinct’s Pre-Holiday Meeting
On Tuesday, April 8, a few days before Passover, community rabbis and leaders joined the police officers at the local 61st Precinct for a pre holiday safety and security meeting. The gathering was requested by the 61st Precinct’s Commanding Officer, Captain John Chell and Rabbi A. Admoni, our community representative. At the meeting, Captain Chell asked all in attendance if they had any specific safety concerns and assured everyone that there would be a heightened police presence in our community throughout the holiday. There is always the risk of crime and anti-Semitic incidents occurring during Jewish holidays. Even though such risks have declined significantly over the past several years, it’s comforting to know that the police are watching and keeping us safe.

David Heskiel, Josh Melman, Captain Chell, Rabbi Ozeri, Rabbi Ben Haim and Rabbi Admoni

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We would like to thank NYPD Members Captain John Chell, Lieutenants Todero, Woods, Brennan and Demarco, Sergeants Jablansky and Carola and Police Officers Shaya and Go for their presence at the meeting.

SAFE and Sound
The newly formed SAFE and Sound Training Institute of The SAFE Foundation hosted its first professional training class for licensed addiction and mental health professionals last month. Faye Wilbur, LCSW-R and Clinical Director of The Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services in Boro Park, presented on child abuse, maltreatment and neglect.
One attendee told Miriam Turk, Director of Professional Development and Training at The SAFE Foundation, “We need more of these trainings, so more people can make a difference.” And that is what The SAFE and Sound Institute plans to do: the next training is May 19th, on The Integration of Psychotherapy and the 12 Steps, by David Kohn, LCSW.

Around The Town-04

Israeli Krav Maga of Cherry Hill, NJ, held a Women’s Self-Defense Fundraiser and Training Program in support of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (April). All proceeds were donated to the Center for Family Services. Attendees learned life-saving techniques as one-on-one, real-life situations were reenacted and hands-on Israeli Krav Maga tactics were taught.

Community Bread Burning
Before Passover, Councilman David Greenfield visited bread burning sites throughout Boro Park and Midwood and thanked FDNY, Shomrim and Chaverim members for their participation in the annual bread burning ritual. He also stopped by the firehouse at 4210 12th Avenue, which is home to Engine 282 and Ladder 148, where he thanked FDNY officials and firefighters for their hard work throughout the day to make sure the bread burning ran smoothly and safely. He also checked in with Boro Park Shomrim members in their mobile command center, and praised them for their help overseeing the 33 burning sites.

Around The Town-05

Around The Town-06






“It was great to tour the neighborhood and take part in this tradition the day before Pesach. It was a pleasure running into so many residents throughout the neighborhood and seeing so many of my constituents taking part in this great tradition on Erev Yom Tov,” he said. As a result of months of planning between Councilman Greenfield, the FDNY, NYPD, Sanitation Department, Community Board 12, Shomrim, Hatzolah, Chaveirim and other community groups and city agencies, the neighborhood was prepared for this celebration and for Passover, with additional trash and recycling collections, dumpsters available for public use and the burning sites and everything ran safely and smoothly.

Celebrating Israel’s 66th Anniversary Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz attended an event sponsored by the American Forum of Russian Speaking Jewry in honor of the upcoming 66th Anniversary of the State of Israel. He had the distinct privilege of speaking with Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman. Also present at the event, held at Romanoff’s on Coney Island Avenue, were Israeli Consul General Ido Ahroni, Deputy Consul General Shlomi Kofman and other distinguished leaders of the Jewish and Russian-speaking community.

Passover Package Distribution
Around The Town-07In keeping with its annual tradition of ensuring that local low-income and elderly residents are able to properly celebrate the Passover holiday, the Shorefront Jewish Community Council engaged in a massive distribution of kosher-for-Passover food. The Council handed out well over 1,300 specially prepared food packages. The Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty distributed 2.1 million pounds of kosher food to an estimated 50,000 families in NY. A group of volunteers, including Assemblyman Dov Hikind, Councilman Mark Treyger and Councilman Stephen Levin, assisted in the effort. “For most of us, Passover is a time for festive family Seders. But for too many of New York’s Jewish needy, the Festival of Our Freedom is, ironically, just the opposite; yet another painful reminder of the oppression of poverty,” David M. Frankel, CEO and executive director of the Met Council, said. “In New York City, there are half a million poor and near poor Jewish New Yorkers who struggle to feed their families every day. The 2.1 million pounds of food we distributed allowed our clients to observe Passover with a traditional and nutritious meal that otherwise would have been price prohibitive.”

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The Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island/Coney Island Seaside Senior Center also had their own massive Passover food package distribution.


Jewish Day School, Yeshivah and Camp Fair

Around The Town-09The first-ever Tri-State Area Jewish Day School, Yeshivah, and Camp Fair brought together 19 Jewish day schools and yeshivot from New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, and 14 Jewish camps and Israeli programs. More than 250 people attended this event, which was jointly sponsored by Beth El Synagogue Center, the Jewish Education Project, UJA-Federation of New York, and the Westchester Jewish Council. “This fair provided a way for schools to highlight the importance of day school and yeshivah education and celebrate the diversity in educational choices,” said Evan Levy, an organizer of the fair.