We Fund Miracles is not just a catchy slogan; it’s a daily occurrence at Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society (RCCS), an organization dedicated to providing elite medical care to those who find themselves victims of this disease without the financial means to combat the illness.
A small number of people in our community were aware of the crucial and vital work of the organization, but that all changed when Rachel and Alan Fallas hosted the event of the season in their warm and inviting home.
Now everyone is talking about RCCS—they don’t turn down any needy Jews, and they assume financial responsibilities for medical insurance for hundreds of families.
What a night it was! From the sumptuous buffet, to the mouth-watering desserts, to the chic Chinese Auction (Mimi Shomer did the setup and whoa, talk about stunning!) to the sincere and probing speakers, every aspect was executed to perfection. Even the weather cooperated, with clear skies, no humidity and comfortable temperatures.
There was a feeling in the air— we all knew something special was happening—from the first moment of the video, which showcased real people who survived the odds thanks to the intervention of RCCS. We all knew we were being given an opportunity to help. And, like everything else our community does, we did this first class! The contributions poured in, all the split-the-pot raffles were sold, and the auction coupon boxes were stuffed to capacity. RCCS’s success that evening was achieved because our community did what it does best—we cared!
Keynote speaker, Judge Daniel Butler, enthralled the audience with his positive take on life’s challenges and tribulations, reminding us that life is precious regardless of the illness or afflictions of the body. His personal journey and triumphant spirit in the face of his own children’s sicknesses and subsequent death of his first child, was truly extraordinary.
Cancer survivor, Uri Abramov, gave a harrowing recount of his arduous ordeal with the dreaded disease, from the moment he was diagnosed to the quality of his life today. Uri said that if not for the help of Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society, he doesn’t know where he would have turned to for help with the insurmountable financial responsibilities. RCCS stepped in and took the burden off his shoulders, enabling him to focus on getting well without the added worries of exorbitant medical fees.
If you’re thinking the night was serious and depressing, think again. The partying went on until midnight—food, drinks, lots of laughter, and of course the picking of the Chinese Auction winners is always a highlight. Additionally, the Fallas’s were presented with a plaque of appreciation for hosting this event and going all out to make the evening a success. We cannot thank them enough for their warm hospitality and the exquisite ambience of their home. Event Chairperson Lauren Levy and her husband Ikey Levy received an award, as did various committee volunteers. All of the volunteers worked long, hard hours to bring this evening to fruition. We thank them profusely.
For more information or to be included in this chesed venture, checks can be sent to RCCS, 762 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn NY, 11211; Attention Devorah/Gitti, Deal division.
Tizku L’Mitzvot!
Helene J. Mizrahi is a community member. Photos courtesy of Morris Antebi. Thank you Morris!