Home jewish personalities American Anti-Semitism Is On the Rise

American Anti-Semitism Is On the Rise

Twenty-five percent of Americans think Jews still talk too much about the Holocaust.Anti-Semitic views are rising in America. A nationwide survey by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) found that 15% of adultsnearly 35 million peoplehold deeply anti-Semitic views.

Experts say old stereotypes about Jews and money appear to be more widely accepted among Americans at a time of high unemployment and economic uncertainty.

When asked if they thought Jews have too much control/influence on Wall Street, 19% of Americans answered probably true.

The survey found 14% agreed with the statement Jews have too much power in the US today; 15 % agreed that Jews are more willing to use shady practices; and 16% agreed that Jewish business people are so shrewd, others dont have a chance.

A third of the country believes that Jews are more loyal to Israel than to America.

Nearly half of all respondents said that Jews stick together more than other Americans, and 33% said they believe Jews always like to be in charge of things.

Its hard to believe, but 31% of Americans still think that Jews were responsible for the death of Christ; and 25% of Americans think that Jews still talk too much about the Holocaust.

ADL National Director Abraham H Foxman said, It is disturbing that with all of the strides we have made in becoming a more tolerant society, anti-Semitic beliefs continue to hold a vice-grip on a small, but not insubstantial, segment of the American public. The stereotypes about Jews and money endure, and the fact that more Americans are now accepting these statements about Jews as true, suggests that the downturn in the economy, along with the changing demographics of our society, may have contributed to the rise in anti-Semitic sentiments. Once again, the old anti-Semitic standbys about Jewish loyalty, the death of Jesus and Jewish power remain strong.

Educated Americans are less likely to be anti-Semitic. Twenty-two percent of those with some high school education harbored strongly anti-Semitic views, compared to 13% who completed some college, and 9% who graduated from college.

The poll also found that Hispanic Americans born outside of the US are more likely to hold anti-Semitic view than Hispanics born in the US. Twenty-nine percent of African-Americans expressed very anti-Semitic views.

Yet, even those who dont like Jews found some redeeming qualities in them. Many said they believe Jews have a strong faith in G-d; have contributed much to cultural life of America; and emphasise the importance of family life.