Home Education Ahi Ezer Yeshiva of Avenue X

Ahi Ezer Yeshiva of Avenue X

ImageIn 1962, Ahi Ezer Yeshiva, also known as the Rabbi Mordechai Maslaton Elementary School, was founded by a group of esteemed community members. The group consisted of Mr. David Bibi A”H, Mr. Isadore (Nouri) Dayan A”H, Mr. Nat Mann A”H and Mr. Ceaser Salama A”H. The yeshiva began in a small private home on 70th Street, with a single class of 18 students and one teacher. A second location was added in March of 1964 and a third in September of 1965. In March of 1966, a building was acquired to replace the three locations and in 1970, a building was constructed on Ocean Parkway to meet the demands of its growing population. Today, under the guidance of its administrator, Mrs. Lisa Lederer, Ahi Ezer is proud to be educating 318 students, from Nursery through 8th grade, with a staff of 46 teachers who work in conjunction with their specialty staff.

Ahi Ezer was a pioneer in opening an educational institution for girls in our community, which had and continues to have an emphasis on solid Torah values and middot. The yeshiva was also the first to offer a full eighth grade elementary education for girls. Several years after its inception, they began to offer a program for boys.

Currently, the yeshiva is an all-girls school with the exception of the pre-school, which instructs both boys and girls. Their multi-faceted educational approach, along with the school’s tangible warmth, combine to create an atmosphere that encourages both growth and excellence.

ImageVisiting Ahi Ezer Yeshiva will allow you to experience the school. As you enter the front door, the friendly and caring atmosphere invites you in. Walking down the halls teeming with busy, excited students, you cannot help but smile at their enthusiasm and eagerness. From the walls decorated with pictures, artwork and projects to the spacious classrooms filled with sunshine and cheery laughter, you can catch a glimpse of what Ahi Ezer is all about. It becomes obvious that a strong connection exists between the Ahi Ezer staff and students. Indeed, all credit remains with the committed community, board of directors, administration and faculty, who have dedicated their lives to helping these students succeed. It is due to their efforts that Ahi Ezer has become a model school, devoted to bringing out the potential in every student.

At the helm of the school is Ahi Ezer Yeshiva’s President, Mr. Hy “Bunny” Escava. In conjunction with Mr. Albert Ayal, Vice-President, Mr. Aslan Bawabeh, Treasurer, Mr. Jack Mann, Secretary, and current board members Mr. Eli Levy, Mr. Steve Balasiano, Mr. Victor Bibi and Mr. Lou Rofe, he continues to devote his precious time to the school and its needs. Mr. Mann, Mr. Victor Bibi and Mr. Lou Rofe have also joined Mr. Escava in raising the necessary funds to cover the growing deficit of the school. Additionally, Mr. Ayal, Mr. Levy and Mr.Bawabeh assist both in the financial aspect and direction of the day-to-day operations of the school. Currently, only one-third of the school’s budget is covered by tuition income, while another third is covered by grants. The balance is raised by the devoted community members on behalf of the school.

Ahi Ezer’s goal is to encourage inquiring minds and foster advancement, while focusing on each and every individual. Consequently, their program is designed to challenge each student according to her capabilities. As the students progress, the challenging academic program stimulates them to strive for excellence and take on more difficult tasks.

Ahi Ezer’s school program extends far beyond the academics. Extra-curricular activities, run by their highly proficient staff, provide the extra fun and excitement that makes the Ahi Ezer environment so enjoyable. Their graduates are a source of pride for the school and community. Their students continue to excel in high school studies, many joining honors classes in some of the most prominent high schools in the community. To attest to these facts are recent valedictorian and high achievers, Vicky Hazkour, Rochel Leah Menachem, Susan Sasson, Sarita Abouhamra, Becky Hara, Sara Yadid, Sally Ishak, Danielle Elias, Judy Swed, Louisa Shaaya, Lisa Nakar, Gila Jajati, Esti Setti, Yaffa Althkefati, Mary Jajati, Camille Abadia, Marina Chalouh, Nancy Chalouh, Shannon Kamhi and many more.

But let us not forget, “Im Ein Kemah, Ein Torah.” (Without wheat flour, there is no Torah). Which leads us to their spacious dining room and kitchen. Freshly cooked, nutritious meals are consumed and enjoyed by the students daily. The Ahi Ezer graduates constantly reminisce on how they wish to return just for the home-style pizza served on Fridays.

As part of their foundation, Ahi Ezer Yeshiva has instituted an open door policy. They accept with open arms any child without consideration to the financial aspect. That is why this school has found a place in the hearts of the community. The school in essence is a tribute to the donors in the community who support the school financially.

Mr. Isidore Dayan A”H, one of the founders and a former president of the school, once said to the graduating class, “Now you leave us, but in reality you will always remain with us. The knowledge you carry with you, the feeling for Judaism and your noble heritage have become a part of you. As your parents before you, so too all of you, form part of the unbreakable chain of Judaism that has no end.” This is Ahi Ezer Yeshiva.