When women get together, someone always brings up the latest anti-aging products—creams, serums, botox, or the latest filler. Some of us don’t like to admit that we visit our dermatologist many times a year to try the newest treatments. Some of us have a treatment on our lunch hour. More and more women are turning to a mini-procedure instead of a full face lift which, besides being very expensive, is more painful and the down time is much longer. If you tell your doctor you would like him to fill in your lips, crows feet or forehead—be sure to specify that you want the end result to look natural.
Getting older is inevitable—aging is optional. Whether or not you choose to have a nip or tuck occasionally, there are many other ways to avoid aging rapidly.
Taking good care of your skin is one of them. If your skin stays young looking you may never need a nip or a tuck.
Many women don’t realize how dry their skin is, because they are used to it. If you have dry skin, try cleansing, toning and moisturizing with products that contain Retin-A or mild glycolic acid, this will remove the top layer of flakiness from your skin so your face looks fresher and brighter.
Keep your skin moisturized at all times. If it gets dry after a few hours, you need a heavier moisturizer. Try one with an SPF, which will protect your skin from the sun. ‘
It’s also helpful to use a mild exfoliant twice a week, if your skin looks dull. For women over 40, or those who have very dry skin, a night cream is essential, as well as a rich eye cream to minimize crows feet. If you keep them next to your bed, or in your night table drawer, you will be more likely to remember to use them.
When it comes to moisturizer and other skin products, you don’t necessarily get what you pay for. Invest in quality moisturizers and night creams, but you don’t have to spend $400, when a $50 cream may work just as well.
Look for creams that contain vitamins A, E and D. Don’t fall for pretty packaging. Try to recognize the seduction of the beauty industry’s tactics designed to get you to spend more money than need be. The beauty magazines also play a big part, advertising expensive products on beautiful air brushed models, (who wear a size 0)!
Think of taking care of your skin as an investment in your anti-aging future and you will enjoy it, especially when you see the results. Forget about reclaiming your youth with very expensive skin care products that don’t deliver. Buy products with ingredients that nourish your skin. Be proud of your age and enjoy getting older—remember, it is inevitable!