Home Education After School Programs: Encouraging Children to Be Independent, Creative, Self-Confident and Happy

After School Programs: Encouraging Children to Be Independent, Creative, Self-Confident and Happy

I am usually surprised when my son says hes bored, especially when its right after we went to the library, bowling and to the plaster gallery. When did I sign up to be the head of the entertainment committee?

Seriously? I cant fit anymore activities into our schedule. I still need to take Celia to the dentist; Morris needs shoes for Shabbat and I promised my friend Raquel Id help with the school bake sale.

I feel so guilty when hes just sitting on the couch with his video games, eyes glued to the screen.

I wish there was somewhere I could send my kids for an hour after school, or on a Sunday, where they could hang out with friends, be entertained, and more importantly learn a new fun skill.

Professional after school programswhether focused on drama, dance or other disciplinesare designed to bring out the best in your child. They are not just a tool for occupying children in the afternoons, baby sitting or providing them with an hour of fun and entertainment.

They can be a catalyst for a positive transformation in your childs life. Especially if your child has special problems. Some after school services, like Strivright, offer extra help with speech, OT, PT, social skills, music, drama, art and more. Many structured after school programs encourage children to be independent, creative, self-confident and happy.

Cultivating a childs creativity and channeling that positive energy in a safe and productive environment is key.

The theory is simple. When children are given the opportunity and encouragement to experience themselves in a positive lightgenerally by excelling in what they already do wellthey acquire a healthier self-image and try harder in everything they do.

Therefore, the more positive and enriching experiences the child has, the better his overall behavior, language and social skills will become.

After school programs can offer creative and enriching experiences in many forms. With the right professional guidance, the advantages for kids are infinite.

But after school programs are not just about stroking a childs ego. They aim to nurture a holistic transformation in the way our children see themselves and the world around them. They also utilize these skills as a springboard for developing self-esteem, and fostering healthy interactions with children and adults.
Julia Brum, LMSW, is a social worker at Strivright/The Auditory Oral School of NY (AOSNY). Strivright is an early intervention program in Brooklyn that services children from birth to three years old. It is the largest auditory oral preschool program in the world. Julia is the coordinator of the after school program, STARS. She also sees children for counseling and uses play therapy during sessions. Tzippy Rieder, is the director of marketing at Strivright (AOSNY). She is part of a team that values high quality work with strong parental involvement.