Home Community News A Special Event for Chai Lifeline

A Special Event for Chai Lifeline

Put Together By Four Caring Young Girls


The traits of giving and hesed are usually passed down from parents to children. On a magical day, recently, the roles were reversed, when four girls, ages 11 and 12, ran a Chinese Auction/bake sale for Chai Lifeline and saw the fruits of their labor become a reality.

These precious girls, Shirley and Vivian Farca, Gabrielle Harari and Marlenn Sabbagh, were happy to see the fruits of their labor become to reality. What started out as a gesture or kindness, to give something back to this wonderful organization,  became a fun filled day, with great prizes, food, games, face painting, music and big smiles.

Hundreds of their friends attended the event at the home of Joseph and Robin Sabbagh, Marlenns parents, who graciously opened their home to the kids. With the support of sponsors and the help of young volunteers, the day went incredibly smoothly. The girls were thrilled to raise a significant amount of money for the organization. It was quite amazing.


The girls were seated in the front row the following Sunday, at the home of Ricky and Monique Chera, who hosted a fundraiser for Chai Lifeline. When their names were mentioned by Honoree Monique Betesh, they were asked to stand and received a rousing ovation from some of the most influential people in our community. The smiles on their faces were priceless.

The kindness showed by these girls must have influenced the adults, who with Hashems help made that fundraiser one of the largest ever for Chai Lifeline. It was no coincidence that these two powerful acts of hesed collided and the baton of charity was passed.

We, the parents, Robin and Joseph  Sabbagh,  Gail and Morris Harari and Gail  and Michael Farca would like to thank all the sponsors and volunteers for their support, and most of all, thank our children who inspired us so much. May Hashem  bless them forever.
