Home Community News A Race of Hope for the Special Childrens Center

A Race of Hope for the Special Childrens Center

I was recently privileged to participate in the NY Road Runners Achilles Hope and Possibility five mile run on behalf of the Special Childrens Center.

The Special Childrens Center is an amazing organization dedicated to improving the lives of children with special needs. They provide support for the children and their families. I know that it will be a day I know I will remember the race forever, not simply because it was the first race I ever ran, but rather because of Victoria, a 9 year old girl I had the privilege to cross the finish line with.

It was a day like no other. A group of 50 volunteers and a group of amazing children boarded a bus to New York. I could not have imagined what was to come. Volunteers were paired up with children. Victorias sister, Gigi, a young and enthusiastic 12 year old volunteer named Carolyn, and I had the honor of pushing Victorias wheelchair during the race. We held on tightly to the wheelchair as we walked, and at certain points, ran. The smile on Victorias face, as the wind brushed against her face, was indescribable, as was the feeling that consumed our hearts.

The thing that amazed me the most were the people running along side us. As we walked, hundreds of runners passed us by and clapped their hands with such love and encouragement for Victoria. The sound of people clapping, cheering and applauding Victoria filled my heart with happiness. I never understood the power of applause until that day. Just a simple clapping of the hands can fill someone with such an empowering and encouraging feeling. As runners clapped, my own spirits were lifted and I felt such unity and connection to each runner passing by, as they yelled, Way to go; you can do it and were proud of you!

As we approached the finish line, the applause grew louder and louder. I could feel Victorias energy increasing. Before we crossed, the counselors brought Victoria her walker. She jumped up and with a big smile, and loads of excitement, I watched as Victoria ran across the finish linestopping on the way to hug those who were there to support her. The look on her face, when they placed a medal on her and applauded her strength, is a look I will most certainly never forget.

As we stood by the side lines and continued cheering on those crossing the finish line I watched their reaction as the crowd raised their voices in acknowledgment of their accomplishment.

I learned a great deal that day from Victoria, the other children with special needs that participated, as well as all the amazing people associated with the NYRR Achilles Race. I learned that strength of heart and determination have the ability to help you overcome obstacles.

Id like to thank Effie Harary, Adele Laboz and Cindy Gindi for organizing a phenomenal day and inviting me to take part in it. The greatest thank you goes out to the Special Childrens Center for their amazing work and last, but certainly not least, the wonderful children and their families who allowed me to be part of their team for the day.

Orly Wahba is Founder and CEO of Life Vest Inside a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading kindness, empowering people to reach their potential, and building self-esteem.